Participanții la webinariile Împreună online au primit un Open Badge (certificat digital deschis) – Împreună online, acordate de Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, în colaborare cu IEEE România, Asociația EDEN, Alianța Română a Universităților Tehnice.

Webinar I: 15 Aprilie 2020:
De la educația în campus la cea online
From in Campus Education to Online Education
De la educația în campus la cea online
From in Campus Education to Online Education
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “De la educația în campus la cea online / From in Campus Education to Online Education” on 15 April 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 1 Badge
- 2 Badges
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Perceptia cadrelor didactice si a studentilor privind educatia online: oportunitati si provocari / Perception of teachers and students regarding online education: opportunities and challenges” on 22 April 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 202 Badges
- 2 Badges
- 1 Badge
Webinar III: 29 Aprilie 2020:
Utilizare OERs, MOOCs in Educatie
Using OERs, MOOCs in Education
Utilizare OERs, MOOCs in Educatie
Using OERs, MOOCs in Education
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Utilizare OERs, MOOCs in Educatie / Using OERs, MOOCs in Education” on 29 April 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 487 Badges
- 5 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “eCAMPUS UTCN si provocarea #StamAcasa: experienta si perspective / eCAMPUS UTCN and the #StayHome challenge: insights and perspectives” on 6 May 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 264 Badges
- 1 Badge
- 2 Badges
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Idei si metode de evaluare educationala online / Ideas and methods for online educational evaluation” on 13 May 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 538 Badges
- 3 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Transferul educatiei ingineresti in universul online in contextul COVID-19 / The transfer of engineering education in the online universe in the context of COVID-19” on 20 May 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 185 Badges
- 4 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Impactul tehnologiilor online in formarea inginerilor / The impact of online technologies in the training of engineers” on 27 May 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Strategia de transformare digitala a Universitatii Babes-Bolyai / Babes-Bolyai University’s digital transformation strategy” on 3 June 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 112 Badges
- 2 Badges
- 0 Badges
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Perspectiva studentilor timisoreni asupra educatiei online / The perspective of Timisoara students on online education” on 10 June 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 116 Badges
- 5 Badges
- 1 Badge
Webinar X: 17 Iunie 2020:
Studentii romani si educatia online
Romanian students and online learning
Studentii romani si educatia online
Romanian students and online learning
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Studentii romani si educatia online / Romanian students and online learning” on 17 June 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 98 Badges
- 3 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Utilizarea practică a Resurselor Educaționale Deschise. Recomandările UNESCO/Practical use of Open Educational Resources. UNESCO recommendations” on 6 August 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 2458 Badges
- 7 Badges
- 1 Badge
Webinar XII: 16 Septembrie 2020:
Provocarile inceputului de an universitar in timpul pandemiei
Challenges for the beginning of the academic year during the pandemic
Provocarile inceputului de an universitar in timpul pandemiei
Challenges for the beginning of the academic year during the pandemic
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Provocarile inceputului de an universitar in timpul pandemiei / Challenges for the beginning of the academic year during the pandemic” on 16 September 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 535 Badges
- 5 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Implicarea studentilor timisoreni in provocarile inceputului de an universitar in timpul pandemiei / Involvement of Timisoara students in the challenges of the beginning of the academic year during the pandemic” on 23 September 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 192 Badges
- 4 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Invatamantul preuniversitar – solutii si provocari identificate odata cu inceputul noului an scolar / Pre-university education – solutions and challenges identified with the beginning of the new school year” on 30 September 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 462 Badges
- 4 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Valorificand tehnologia pentru un viitor mai bun – Ziua IEEE 2020 / Leveraging technology for a better future – IEEE Day 2020” on 7 October 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 522 Badges
- 5 Badges
- 1 Badge
Webinar XVI: 14 Octombrie 2020:
Experientele Stiintescu Timisoara
The Stiintescu Timisoara experiences
Experientele Stiintescu Timisoara
The Stiintescu Timisoara experiences
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Experientele Stiintescu Timisoara / The Stiintescu Timisoara experiences” on 14 October 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 175 Badges
- 6 Badges
- 1 Badge
Webinar XVII: 28 Octombrie 2020:
Inovare, creativitate si antreprenoriat in pandemie
Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship during the pandemic
Inovare, creativitate si antreprenoriat in pandemie
Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship during the pandemic
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Inovare, creativitate si antreprenoriat in pandemie / Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship during the pandemic” on 28 October 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 194 Badges
- 8 Badges
- 2 Badges
Webinar XVIII: 18 Noiembrie 2020:
Inteligenta artificiala si impactul in societate
Artificial Intelligence and the impact in society
Inteligenta artificiala si impactul in societate
Artificial Intelligence and the impact in society
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Inteligenta artificiala si impactul in societate / Artificial Intelligence and the impact in society” on 18 November 2020, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 341 Badges
- 1 Badge
- 1 Badge
Webinar XIX: 21 Ianuarie 2021:
Vaccinarea anti-COVID pe înțelesul tuturor. De ce ne vaccinăm?
Understanding anti-COVID vaccination. Why do we vaccinate?
Vaccinarea anti-COVID pe înțelesul tuturor. De ce ne vaccinăm?
Understanding anti-COVID vaccination. Why do we vaccinate?
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Vaccinarea anti-COVID pe intelesul tuturor. De ce ne vaccinam? / Understanding anti-COVID vaccination. Why do we vaccinate?” on 21 January 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 411 Badges
- 5 Badges
- 1 Badge
Webinar XX: 29 Ianuarie 2021:
Povești digitale în Muzeul Jecza
Digital stories at the Jecza Museum
Povești digitale în Muzeul Jecza
Digital stories at the Jecza Museum
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Povesti digitale in Muzeul Jecza / Digital stories at the Jecza Museum” on 29 January 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 166 Badges
- 7 Badges
- 1 Badge
Webinar XXI: 10 Februarie 2021:
Ziua Internațională a fetelor și femeilor în STEM
International Day for girls and women in STEM
Ziua Internațională a fetelor și femeilor în STEM
International Day for girls and women in STEM
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Ziua Internationala a fetelor si femeilor in STEM / International Day for girls and women in STEM” on 10 February 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 155 Badges
- 9 Badges
- 2 Badges
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Redeschiderea scolilor si provocarile din invatamantul preuniversitar pentru semestrul al II-lea / Reopening schools and the challenges of pre-university education for the second semester” on 17 February 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 153 Badges
- 10 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “De la dosariada, la un proces democratic de evaluare a dezvoltarii institutionale a scolilor / From the dossier to a democratic process of evaluating the institutional development of schools” on 24 February 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 336 Badges
- 7 Badges
- 2 Badges
Webinar XXIV: 10 Martie 2021:
Un an de educație în pandemie
A year of education in the pandemic
Un an de educație în pandemie
A year of education in the pandemic
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Un an de educatie in pandemie / A year of education in the pandemic” on 10 March 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 341 Badges
- 5 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Un an de educatie in pandemie – experienta universitatilor / A year of education in the pandemic – the experience of universities” on 17 March 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 250 Badges
- 4 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Un an de educatie in pandemie – experienta universitatilor / A year of education in the pandemic – the experience of universities” on 24 March 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 194 Badges
- 5 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Un an de educatie in pandemie – experienta universitatilor / A year of education in the pandemic – the experience of universities” on 31 March 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 217 Badges
- 6 Badges
- 1 Badge
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “”Comunicarea in stiinta – Cum sa castigi FameLab 2021 – Science for a better future / Communication in science – How to win FameLab 2021 – Science for a better future” on 7 April 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 177 Badges
- 9 Badges
- 1 Badge
Webinar XXIX: 14 Aprilie 2021:
Un an de educatie in pandemie - experienta studentilor
A year of pandemic education - the students' experience
Un an de educatie in pandemie - experienta studentilor
A year of pandemic education - the students' experience
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Un an de educatie in pandemie – experienta studentilor / A year of pandemic education – the students’ experience” on 14 April 2021, part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 147 Badges
- 7 Badges
- 1 Badge
Workshop Virtual: 22 iulie 2021:
Proiectul și cursurile DigiCulture
DigiCulture Project and Courses
Proiectul și cursurile DigiCulture
DigiCulture Project and Courses
This badge is awarded to people who presented and successfully delivered / paticipated at the “Virtual workshop – DigiCulture project and Courses/ Workshop Virtual: Proiectul și Cursurile DigiCulture” on 22 July 2021, with the presentation of the 13 courses developed within the Erasmus+ Digital Culture project – “Improving the Digital Competences and Social Inclusion of Adults in Creative Industries” as well as the open badges granted upon completion. It is part of the Webinars series “Impreuna Online / Together Online”, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, The Romanian Technical Universities Alliance.
- 8 Badges
- 230 Badges