The vision of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara is to become a top university by entering Top 500 World Universities.

To achieve this goal, UPT has proposed, among other things, and integration of information technologies in education and open educational resources OER and MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) in the teaching process.

In recent years, ID/IFR and e-Learning Center organized, annually, a series of workshops with a theme centered around open educational resources. They have been organized since 2014 and until now, within Open Education Week, in collaboration with EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network).

The workshops thematic reunited hundreds of international speakers, which have presented, over the years, the latest research results from the international community in open educational resources - (Open Education Resources), as well as examples of good user practice and integration a OERs and MOOCs in university and pre-university education, with case studies at European and global level.

In this section, all the papers presented by hundreds of international speakers, the recording of editions of the OEW and a variety of open educational resources that can be made available to both teachers and students have been made available to both teachers and students. integrated into the online learning process.


See all Open Education Week workshops organized by CeL

All workshops

Workshop Open Education & Science Practices 2025

At 11:00
K1 Room, UPT Conference Center

Open Education Week Workshop 2024

At 11:00
The Conference Center of the Politehnica University of Timișoara and online

Erasmus+ Create 4.0 Workshop 2023 project

At 13:00
The Conference Center of the Politehnica University of Timișoara and online

Open Education Week Workshop 2023

At 10:00
The Conference Center of the Politehnica University of Timișoara and online

Watch NOW the LIVE recordings of the Open Education Week editions, accessing the following playlist:

Online Together

During this period in Romania, as in other countries, most functions and educational activities face to face are moved online, using applications, platforms and various tools and working methods for distance education. To try to meet these needs, ID/IFR and e-Learning Center initiated a series of practical webinars about online education and experience.

Webinars focus on the daily challenges we all face and are in the spirit of open education and free access to knowledge. They are dedicated in particular to the higher education environment, to teachers and students, but do not exclude the involvement of those in secondary education.

These webinars are dedicated to the current uncertain period, and are based on experienced professionals in the field of open learning, online and e-learning.

Webinars ONLINE TOGETHER are organized in collaboration with IEEE Romania, EDEN Association and The Politehnica University of Timișoara.

In this section we have provided the recording of events Together Online and a variety of open educational solutions and resources, which can be integrated into the online learning process.