„Construim Împreună” este o nouă serie de webinarii dedicate sprijinirii comunității educaționale și științifice din România și să ofere idei, exemple și resurse orientate spre practică în educație și tehnologie, dar și inovații în tehnologie și știință. |“Shaping Together” is a new series of webinars dedicated to support the Romanian educational and scientific community and to provide practice-oriented ideas, examples and resources in education and technology, but also innovations in technology and science.
Participanții la webinariile Construim Împreună au primit un Open Badge (certificat digital deschis) –Construim Împreună, acordate de Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, în colaborare cu IEEE România, Asociația EDEN, Alianța Română a Universităților Tehnice.

This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar “Ce înseamnă transformarea digitală în învățământul preuniversitar?/What does digital transformation mean for school education?” on 9 February 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna
- 665 Badges
- 4
- 1
- 1
Webinar II: 16 Februarie 2022:
Ziua Internațională a fetelor și femeilor în STEM
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Ziua Internațională a fetelor și femeilor în STEM
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar ”Ziua Internațională a fetelor și femeilor în STEM/International Day of Women and Girls in Science” on 16 February 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna
This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar ” Inovație în educație prin EBSI4RO: Connecting Romania through Blockchain/Innovation in education with EBSI4RO: Connecting Romania through Blockchain” on 23 February 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna
Webinar IV: 2 Martie 2022:
Femeile lider și impactul lor în comunitate
Women and Their Impact on the Community
Femeile lider și impactul lor în comunitate
Women and Their Impact on the Community
“This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar ” Femeile lider și impactul lor în comunitate/Women and Their Impact on the Community” on 2 March 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna”
“This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar ”Viziunea studenților timișoreni despre provocările universitare actuale/The vision of Timisoara students about current university challenges” on 16 March 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna”
“This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar ”Micro-credențialele și importanța lor pentru Universitățile Europene/Micro-credentials and their importance for European Universities” on 23 March 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna”
“This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar ”IEEE Education Week in Romania 1: Exemple moderne de predare STEM în universitățile din România/IEEE Education Week in Romania 1: Modern Examples of STEM Teaching in Romanian Universities” on 3O March 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna”
“This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar ”IEEE Education Week in Romania 2: Tendințe și provocări în educația inginerească/IEEE Education Week in Romania 2: Trends and Challenges in Engineering Education” on 6 April 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna”
“This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar ”Construim Împreună #9 – dedicat inovării și studenților inovatori și co-creatori/Shaping Together #9 – dedicated to innovation and innovative students and co-creators” on 13 April 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna”
“This badge is awarded to people who participated / prezented and successfully delivered / moderated and succesfully delivered at the webinar ”Construim Împreună #10 – Universitățile tehnice din România – Universități Europene / Shaping Together #10 – Technical Universities in Romania – European Universities” on 2O April 2022, part of the Webinars series “Construim Impreuna / Shaping Together“, organized in collaboration by Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Technical Universities Alliance. The 1.5 h webinar includes academic & research information, a debate with invited guests and information about an innovative solution in education and technology.
#online learning #education technologies #webinar #shapingtogether #developingtogether #construimimpreuna”