Project introduction

MODE IT stands for the Erasmus+ project „Curricular modernization by implementing MOOCs model”. Five MODE IT partners from Germany, Lithuania, Turkey, Portugal, and Romania jointly seek to introduce innovative MOOC-based approaches to the design and delivery of higher education courses.

MODE IT fosters integration of the open online pedagogies into formal courses and programs towards making them more flexible and attractive for students.

This innovative MODE IT approach should contribute to:

  • raising awareness of open learning formats by students for their future self-development;
  • taking responsibility of own learning by students;
  • increasing the ability to self-regulated and personalized learning.

The main innovation drivers of MODE IT approach are academic staff. Therefore, MODE IT specific objectives are:

  • to create awareness of professional (self)-development amongst academic staff;
  • to enhance skills of academic staff in the design and delivery of MOOCs and MOOC-based curricula;
  • to create and deliver MOOC-based subjects within selected higher education curricula.

The premise of the project

The buzzword MOOC causes in Europe both, praise and criticism. MOOCs provide to everybody a unique opportunity to enjoy higher education services for free, without having enrolled in a university, and have greater potentials to building up a digital knowledge-based society.

However, only about 5% of enrolled learners are able to complete a MOOC. Why? The fact is: learning via MOOCs requires additional transversal skills from learners, such as the ability of self-regulated learning, analytical and research skills, and advanced digital competence.

 The vast MOOC attendees seem simply not prepared for open online learning formats due to missing competences needed to benefit from such type of studies.

The MODE IT team believes these competences should be acquired by learners already during their formal studies. The innovative MODE IT solution is: to integrate MOOC-based teaching and learning approaches into higher education curricula! Formal students should learn via MOOCs and increase in this manner not only their subject knowledge, but also train the ability of lifelong learning!


Kauno Technologijos Universitetas (Kaunas / Lithuania)

Politehnica University of Timisoara (Timișoara / România)

Anadolu University (Eskisehir / Turkey)

Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Porto / Portugal)

Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (Bielefeld / Germany)

Project activities