Leonardo da Vinci II project: e2Engineering, Agreement no. 2004-L-B-PP-170029/2004
Director: Prof.dr.eng. Radu VASIU
Value: 23,153 EURO
Period: 2004-2006
Assoc.lect.eng. Diana ANDONE
Assist.eng. Marian BUCOS
Assist.eng. Mihai ONITA
Prof.dr.eng. Doina DRAGULESCU
Prof.dr.eng. Mirela TOTH-TASCAU
Eng. Iasmina ERMALAI, PhD student
Eng. Cristian TECU, PhD student
Eng. Marius CONDREA
Lucia RAZMERITA, journalist
Univ. Godollo, HU
Univ. Miskolz, HU
EADTU – European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, NL
Univ. of Gdansk, PL
Univ. of Kosice, SK
Ethos Associates, UK
Project web page: http://www.emrtk.uni-miskolc.hu/projektek/e2ngineering
The project’s aim is to develop IT tools able to facilitate on-line education in technical fields, especially Computer Aided Engineering. Course modules and examples of remarkable technical achievements will be developed and offered on-line using the COEDU e-learning platform. Courses will be developed jointly and will be translated and offered in five languages: English, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish and Slovakian. Pilot courses will be offered free of charge.