Socrates Minerva project: “e-Taster – short, free on-line courses – ″tasters″ – for multilingual, international delivery”, Agreement no. 116684-CP-1-2004-1-HU-MINERVA-M
Director: Assoc.lect.eng. Diana ANDONE
Value: 61,314 EURO
Period: 2004-2006
Prof.dr.eng. Radu VASIU
Lect.dr.eng. Mugur MOCOFAN
Assoc.lect.eng. Daniel HAIDUC
Assist.eng. Marian BUCOS
Assist.eng. Mihai ONITA
Eng. Marius CONDREA
Lucia RAZMERITA, journalist
Cristian TECU, PhD student
Iasmina ERMALAI, PhD student
Univ. Miskolcz, HU
E-Collegium, Budapest, HU
Univ. of Godollo, HU
Mimoza Kft, Budapest, HU
EADTU – European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, NL
Univ. of East London, UK
Univ. of Gdansk, PL
Univ. of Kosice, SK
Univ. of Plovdiv, BL
Project web page: http://emrtk.uni-miskolc.hu/projektek/e_taster
The project aims to develop a multilingual platform for e-learning course delivery. It also aims to develop short on-line courses, “tasters” for full version content offered commercially.
The general objectives of the project are:
- enhancing international cooperation, large scale and operable networking in joint course development and delivery based on co-operation of the PHARE ODL Network and the EuroStudy Centre Network of EADTU,
methodological support, pedagogical analysis and contribution to standardization processes in electronic course development and delivery, - transferring important content, relevant to general public in the area of key competencies, skills, as well as basic information on “how to be EU citizens”
The direct objectives are:
- joint development of 12 short, freely accessible , on-line courses as e-tasters in English, applying versatile pedagogical approaches, fitting to specific training needs,
selected 4 of 12 will be translated to 9 other languages, - piloting in three phases, multilingual delivery of developed e-Taster courses to general public, citizens of several EU and PHARE countries, via one specific, advanced multilingual e-learning platform, supported by members of the two ODL networks: EADTU and e-Collegium
- survey on results, evaluation of experiences with special focus on pedagogical aspects, interoperability of platforms and reusability of content elements, learning object metadata.