Leonardo da Vinci II project: Retail Education Mechanism for On-line Training in Europe, (REMOTE), Agreement no. 2003 UK/03/B/F/PP-162_010
Director: Prof.dr.eng. Radu VASIU
Value: 34,352 EURO
Period: 2003-2005
Assoc.lect.eng. Diana ANDONE
Assoc.lect.eng. Daniel HAIDUC
Assist.eng. Marian BUCOS
Assist.eng. Artur MULLER
Assist.eng. Mihai ONITA
Eng. Marius CONDREA
Ethos Associates, Nortwich, UK
Language Service Centre, Giessen, D
Theta Education & Training Madrid
Project web page: www.remotetraining.org and www.removingbarriers.com
The REMOTE project is an innovative ICT educational product aimed at supporting learners with disabilities to develop skills necessary for entering and remaining in employment. Using an integrated fat/thin delivery mechanism which utilises a media-rich CD with low bandwidth on-line content from a central on-line learning hub, the product is compatible with current standard internet provision found in homes and businesses across Europe. The product will result in a new web design technologies qualification which will be available to learners in retail outlets in the UK, Spain, Romania and Germany, and which will be accredited through a UK National Awarding Body that forms part of the partnership. The project targets disabled persons between the ages of 16-64 who are currently in or seeking to enter the labour market, through educational institutions, computer related businesses, and households across Europe. Benefits for employers will be the opportunity to support skill development in e-business for disabled persons in their employment, which does not incur high training or transport costs. For individuals it offers the flexibility to learn when, where, and at a pace they want to, which could be accessed alongside existing employment in low paid or unskilled jobs, thereby allowing personal development and employment progression.
The project aims to develop a new, accessible web design qualification that can be accessed by a wide range of learners, including those with sensory disabilities, via a content rich CD. Formal assessment, certification and online tutor support are managed via a specially developed REMOTE Learning Hub. The programme will be available in English, Romanian, German and Spanish.
A key objective is removing barriers to learning and certification for disabled users and other encountering difficulties in accessing training or qualifications in basic web design. All aspects of product design, delivery and the learner support mechanisms have been developed in consultation with stakeholders to remove barriers to access.
The new qualification will be accredited in the UK by the NCFE (National Council for Further Education), and will recognize skills in basic, accessible web design to a consistent basic standard across Europe.