Socrates Erasmus Curriculum Development project: International On-Line Master in Multimedia (IMM – CD), Agreement 49104-IC-1-2003-1-RO-ERASMUS-PROGUC-1
Director: Prof.dr.eng. Radu VASIU
Value: 108.538 EURO
Period: 2004-2007
Prof.dr.eng. Nicolae ROBU
Assoc.lect.eng. Diana ANDONE
Lect.dr.eng. Mugur MOCOFAN
Assoc.lect.eng. Daniel HAIDUC
Assist.eng. Marian BUCOS
Assist.eng. Mihai ONITA
Eng. Marius CONDREA
Iasmina ERMALAI, PhD student
Univ. of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, FR
JME Associates, UK
Univ. of Technology, Kaunas, LT
E-Collegium, Budapest, HU
Univ. of Godollo, HU
Mimoza Kft, Budapest, HU
Univ. of Zvolen, SK
Univ. of St. Polten, AT
Project web page: www.immaster.net
The scope of the project, which is funded by the European Commission, is to introduce an International on-line Master degree in Multimedia delivered using ODL technology, that can be applied and adapted by all the countries, ensuring the same level of skills all over Europe. The IMM Master targets young people who have prior knowledge (young graduates) in areas connected and who want to increase their skills, as well as graduates who are unemployed and want to gain skills for having better chances in finding a job. Also it refers to those who want to change their career and it focuses on equal opportunities, by providing free access to male and female, as well as to people with disabilities.
The academic curricula will be in direct connection with objectives of the Bologna process: the qualification of Master in Science gained by acquiring a 120 ECTS through a 2 academic years.
The project aims at wide range of collaboration, coordinated by the network of EU and CEE countries (Romania, France, UK, Austria, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia) in a very pragmatic, operational level, establishing further cooperation in international course development and delivery.
The course will be delivered using the open and distance learning methodologies by the adaptation and further development of the on line platform COEDU (an easy to use e-learning material editor client application and a content delivery server application).
The consortium of participants established an International Academic Board that is responsible for establishing the curricula and for checking the quality of the courses. Each partner university takes part to the course development, the allocation of courses being done based on competition. Some of the courses might be allocated for development to recognized experts in e-learning from USA, Finland and Greece.
After course development, the degree program will run through e-learning, tutoring being realized on-line by the course developers. The partner universities will ensure local support centres, in order to allow face-to-face meetings for the students they enrolled. Final examination will be done through face-to-face examination done by the course leaders, the only participants to the degree program that will have to travel internationally.
“Politehnica” University of Timisoara is the program coordinator and contractor.