Leonardo da Vinci II project: E-REPORT. Transnational virtual study circles: e-learning supports for tutorship and learning groups, Agreement no. 2005 – 2025 / 001 – 001 LE2-51OREF, project no. IT/05/C/F/RF/-81507
Director: Prof.dr.eng. Radu VASIU
Value: 75,000 EURO
Period: 2005-2007
Assoc.lect.eng. Diana ANDONE
Assist.eng. Marian BUCOS
Assist.eng. Mihai ONITA
Lect.dr.eng. Matei TAMASILA
Eng. Iasmina ERMALAI, PhD student
Eng. Cristian TECU, PhD student
Eng. Andrei TERNAUCIUC, PhD student
Eng. Marius CONDREA
Lucia RAZMERITA, journalist
Università degli Studi di Palermo, IT
University of Salzburg, AT
Confederación Empresarial de la Provincia de Alicante – COEPA, ES
Gotland University, Gotland, SE
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE
Project web page: www.ereport.unipa.it
E-REPORT project will contribute to set up a communitarian repertory of reference material with regard to the development of innovative methods and best practices in the field of e-learning system for VET (universities and vocational institutes). Particularly, the project is aimed at setting up the basis for the constitution of a transnational virtual study circle.
This demands a comprehensive and transnational approach that implies:
- analyses of the educational and training needs in the field of e-learning;
international comparison of the quality and the quantity of the existing online courses provided by both universities and vocational institutes; - international comparison between contents, methods and services adopted in this field in order to standardize them;
- the elaboration of a shared repertory of contents, methodologies, services and training tools;
- the testing and validation of this repertory to a significant sample of the final users of the project’s output;
- the promotion of processes of virtual mobility among european students and teachers/trainers;
- the transnational communication and exchange between universities and vocational centres, public and private;
- the ongoing valorisation and dissemination of the results during the project, involving the final users of the outputs