SKILL2E project – Budapest
Disseminating information on SKILL2E project at
the Institute of International Education, Europe Office,
(Budapest 08.12.2011-09.12.2011)
UPT Skill2E team’s presence at this year’s networking event organized by the Institute of International Education through its European Office in Budapest, leading organization in managing internationalization of universities, academic partnership and networking, as well as in facilitating and developing scholarship and study abroad programs, has showcased a genuinely forthright dissemination of Skill2E project goals, of the current achievements and stage of implementation of the intercultural competence development model at the partner universities. Furthermore, it has provided UPT Skill2E team with valuable insights into different European international placement-managing practices for additional reflection on project course of action. UPT Skill2E team was pleased to have worthwhile and stimulating discussions with Ms. Ágnes VAJDA, Director of Institute of International Education, Europe, (photo 1) Ms. Valéria SZABÓ, GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program Manager, Institute of International Education, Europe, (photo 2) Ms. Niké SZKÁROSI, Program Coordinator, Institute of International Education, Europe,(photo 3) Ms. Cristina Balint-Nagy, Career Officer, Alumni Relations & Career Services Team, Central European University, Budapest, (photo 4,5,6) Mr. Máté Helfrich, Student Advisor, Mobility Advisor, Student Advising Office, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.(photo 7)