Workshop OpenVM
The OpenVM Workshop with the theme Virtual Mobility Service and Advanced Learning Technologies was organised part of the International Conference on eLearning in Central and Eastern Europe, 5-6 October 2018, Timisoara.
The OpenVM Workshop role was to inform amongst education, higher education and adult training professionals the purpose and objectives of the Open Virtual Mobility project (openVM), which is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership (2017-2020) addressing the need of creating accessible opportunities for achievement of Virtual Mobility (VM) skills to enhance the uptake of Virtual Mobility in higher education in Europe, by supporting institutions, educators and students in acquiring, assessing and recognising VM skills, i. e. key competencies needed to successfully design, implement and participate in VM actions. To achieve this, openVM applies the principles of Open Education (OE) to promote achievement, assessment and recognition of VM skills. Both VM and OE aim to enhance participation in international knowledge flows, use of digital media, improve teaching and learning by setting international benchmarks, attract and keep talents for the economy and research systems, innovate and build capacity. One of the key outcomes of the openVM project is the Virtual Mobility Learning Hub for achievement, assessment and recognition of VM skills as a central reference point for higher education in Europe.
The aim of this workshop was to make the OpenVM project known but also to get some answers regarding the know-how of existing mobilities (both virtual and non-virtual). We presented the connection between Open Badges and Open Virtual Mobilities. The work done with MOOCs inside the UPT programs in relation to virtual mobilities gave participants some good practical ideas to take back to their courses. Latest technologies in Open Augmented/Virtual Reality and their use in Virtual Mobilities took participants in a marvelous journey. The possibility of implementing all of these technologies in the OpenVM project was shown in the presentation of the Virtual Learning Hub for Virtual Mobilities (OpenVM hub). Also, we wanted to understand the opinion (pro and against) of higher education and adult training professionals about virtual mobilities. Key areas of interest regarding course topics on the virtual mobility hub was also discussed amongst participants.
All of our objectives was completed through expert presentations on the use and implementation of various tools and education paradigms in the virtual mobilities area.
The agenda is available here.