Ralf Brüning

Ralf Brüning

Fachhochschule des Mittelstands – FHM

Fachhochschule des Mittelstands – FHM

Dr. Ralf Brüning has German Citizenship, and since 2013, after numerous professional experiences, his career  is focused on Professorship in economic sciences, manly Marketing Management, Market Research and Entrepreneurship, at the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany.

Dr. Brüning has numerous Publications. A selection of this:

§ Brüning, R.: Marketing and Sales In: Dreier, A. / Merk, R. /
Seel, B. (Hrsg.): Digitalization and Industry 4.0 – Challenges
for small and medium-sized enterprises. Schriftenreihe der
FHM, issue 8, Bielefeld 2017, P. 59-67.
§ Brüning, R. / Menze, R.: Mobile Marketing. In: Zeitschrift für
Kommunikationsökologie und Medienethik (zfkm). 13. Jg.,
Issue 1/2013, S. 80-89.
§ Brüning, R.: Das Mitmach-Netz – die neue Macht des Kunden. http://www.mediadesign.de/fileadmin/downloads/infopdfs/Veroeffentlichungen/MDH-Fokus-6-2010.pdf
§ Brüning, R.: Controlling – Significance, targets, tasks and instruments. In: Dreiskämper, T. / Hoffjann, O. / Schicha, C.
(Hrsg.): Handbuch Medienmanagement. Berlin 2009, S. 41-
§ Brüning, R.: Hasch mich, ich bin der Kunde – von User Generated Content zu User Generated Products. http:// www.medienhandbuch.de/news (26.06.2008).
§ Brüning, R.: Joint development of new virtual markets – crossselling on regional Internet portals. Published in: Meyer, J.-A.
(Hrsg.): Yearbook of the KMU – research and practice 2006.
Small and medium-sized enterprises in new markets –
emergence and growth (German title: “Jahrbuch der KMU –
Forschung und -praxis 2006. Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in neuen Märkten – Aufbruch und Wachstum”). Lohmar
2006, p. 339–367
§ Brüning, R.: Basic knowledge of business studies: Strategic
cooperations. Published in: wisu, 35. year 2006, issue 4, p.
§ Brüning, R.: E-commerce-strategies for small and mediumsized enterprises. Hybrid commerce, cooperation and crossselling on regional Internet portals. Lohmar – Köln 2005.
§ Brüning, R.: Famous economists: Erich Kosiol – an interdisciplinary system-oriented thinker.
Published in: wisu, 32. year 2003, issue 11, p. 1368–1369
§ Brüning, R.: Check up: Organization theory.
Published in: wisu, 32. year 2003, issue 10, p. 1207–1208.
§ Brüning, R.: Check up: Market research.
Published in: wisu, 32. year 2003, issue 8–9, p. 1035–1036.
§ Brüning, R.: Sustainability potentials of regional Internet appearances (German title: “Nachhaltigkeitspotenziale von regionalen Internetportalen”. Published in: Wagner, S. et al.
(editor.): Quantitative models and sustainable management
methods (German title: “Quantitative Modelle und nachhaltige
Ansätze der Unternehmungsführung“. Heidelberg 2003, p.


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