Nicolae Bibu

Nicolae Bibu

Dr. Nicolae Bibu is Emeritus Professor at the Management department of the West University of Timisoara (WUT), Romania, where he has been teaching and researching since 1991. He has a PhD in the field of management awarded by WUT, a Master of Business Administration degree from University of Durham, UK (1995). He has been a PhD coordinator in the field of Management at WUT since 2008. His main research interests are innovations in management, digital transformation process, digital business models, cross-cultural management, digital leadership, organization development and change, fast growing businesses, social entrepreneurship, social enterprise. He was a manager and member of several research and institutional building projects, nationally and internationally. He has published several articles and books, including a chapter in “Ethical Leadership – Globally”, Millar, C & Poole, E, eds., Palgrave MacMillan, 2010; a chapter in University and Society. Interdependencies and Exchange, eds. Kövér, A. and Franger, G., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019. He received the Excellence Award for his academic activity from the Romanian Association of Faculty of Economics, in 2021.


ID Numele evenimentului Durată Data de început
Open Education Week Workshop
4 Ore 03/11/2022


Bl. Vasile Parvan, nr. 2 B, Etaj IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300



Centrul ID/IFR și e-Learning (CeL), a fost înființat în 1998, ca parte integrantă a Universităţii Politehnica Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizeaza specializările – Tehnologii si Sisteme de Telecomunicatii, Informatică Aplicată, Comunicare și Relații Publice în regim de învăţământ la distanță de ciclu licenţă și Tehnologia Construcțiilor de Mașini în regim de învățământ cu frecvență redusă de ciclu licenţă.