
Lisa Marie Blaschke

Lisa Marie Blaschke


Dr. Lisa Marie Blaschke is program lead of the online Home Hub at Learnlife in Barcelona, Spain. Previously, she was program director of and instructor in the Master in Management of Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, as well as a senior researcher at DHBW in Heilbronn. She is a former executive committee member of the European Distance Education and E-Learning Network (EDEN) and is a Senior EDEN Fellow. Lisa has a BS in Technical Communication, and two master’s degrees (MDE, MBA) and a PhD in Education. Prior to academia, Lisa worked for SAP in Walldorf, Germany, leading and implementing global, enterprise-wide knowledge management and training processes and solutions. Lisa’s research interests are in the areas of self-determined learning (heutagogy), online collaborative learning, and the pedagogical application of web 2.0 technology and social media.


ID Numele evenimentului Durată Data de început
Open Education Week Workshop
4 Ore 03/11/2022


Bl. Vasile Parvan, nr. 2 B, Etaj IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300

Mail: contact@elearning.upt.ro


Centrul ID/IFR și e-Learning (CeL), a fost înființat în 1998, ca parte integrantă a Universităţii Politehnica Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizeaza specializările – Tehnologii si Sisteme de Telecomunicatii, Informatică Aplicată, Comunicare și Relații Publice în regim de învăţământ la distanță de ciclu licenţă și Tehnologia Construcțiilor de Mașini în regim de învățământ cu frecvență redusă de ciclu licenţă.