Workshop Open Education
Workshop Open Education
Centrul de ID/IFR si e-Learning – CEL
Open Education – concepts, tools, resources, practices
Vineri 11 martie 2016 orele 11:00 – 15:00
Amfiteatrul K1, etaj 1, Centrul de documentare si transfer tehnologic (Biblioteca UPT), Bul. Vasile Parvan No. 2B, Timisoara
Ce reprezintă resursele educationale deschise OER si cursurile massive deschise online MOOCs? Cum se pot accesa, utiliza și integra in educația universitară?
Exemple practice de utilizare si integrare a OER și MOOC în învățământul universitar si pre-universitar. Utilizarea mobile learning, a datelor deschise în învățământul universitar si pre-universitar. Studii de caz din Europa, Marea Britanie si Romania.
Cu 13 speakers de nivel international, workshopul se adreseaza profesorilor universitari, studentilor, profesorilor din invatamantul pre-universitar, specialistilor din companiile de training, IT, sau din departamentele de resurse umane.
A 3 a editie a Workshop international este organizat de Centrul de e-Learning, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Universitatea de Vest Timisoara, Universitatea “Ioan Slavici” Timisoara, Asociatia Smart City si IEEE Romania Education Chapter, in cadrul Săptamânii Educației Deschise 2016 http://www.openeducationweek.org
Participarea este liberă, prezentările se vor desfășura in Română și Engleză și se va elibera certificat de participare.
11:00 – Bun venit, Prof.dr.ing. Radu Vasiu
11:05 – 11:25
Dr. Diana Andone (CEL, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara)
Open Education and Open Student
11:25 – 11:45
Prof.dr. Paul Bacsich (Open Education Working Group, UK) (live)
Using OER and MOOCs for education and training: the vital role of senior managers
11:45 – 12:05
Prof.dr.ing. Carmen Holotescu (Universitatea Ioan Slavici, Timisoara)
OER and MOOC initiatives in Romania. Scenarios for integrating MOOCs in schools and universities
12:05 – 12:25
Conf.dr. Gabriela Grosseck & Lect.dr. Laura Malita (Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara)
The UVT students’ perspective about MOOC: what do they think?
12:25 – 12:40
Prof.dr.Gráinne Conole (Chair in Education,Bath Spa University, UK) (live)
Changing learning, teaching and research through open practices
12:40 – 13:00
Coffee Break
13:00 – 13:15
Dr. Vlad Mihaescu (CEL, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara)
Building up MOOCs in UPT – UniCampus
13:15 – 13:30
As.dr.ing. Andrei Ternauciuc (Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara)
User management in a closed Moodle-based educational platform
13:30 – 13:45
Conf.dr. ing. Mugur Mocofan (Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara)
Using mobile technologies for questionnaires and feedback during courses
13:45 – 14:00
As.dr.ing. Silviu Vert (Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara)
Open Data in Education
14:00 – 14:15
Radu Ticiu (StartUp Hub, BanatIT)
CoderDojo in West Romania
14:15 – 14:30
Dan Bugariu (Asociatia Smart City)
The influence of the teacher identity on the evolution of our cities
14:30 – 15:00
Nicolaie Constantinescu
Live from the Open Education Conference, Bucuresti
Panel: how to integrate OER and MOOCs in everyday teaching activities
Informatii la http://elearning.upt.ro/ si diana.andone@upt.ro
Gráinne Conole joined the University of Bath Spa on 1st February 2015 as professor of Education. She was previously at University of Leicester, where she was professor of learning innovation and director of the Institute of Learning Innovation. Her research interests include: the use, integration and evaluation of Information and Communication Technologies and e-learning, research on Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), new approaches to designing for learning, e-pedagogies, social media and the impact of technologies on organisational change. She has successfully secured funding from the EU, HEFCE, ESRC, JISC and commercial sponsors). She was awarded an HEA National Teaching Fellowship in 2012. And is also a fellow of EDEN and ASCILITE. She has published and presented over 1000 conference proceedings, workshops and articles, including the use and evaluation of learning technologies. She has recently published a Springer book entitled ‘Designing for learning in an open world’ and is currently working on a Routledge book on practical Learning Design. She regularly blogs on www.e4innovation.com and her Twitter ID is @gconole.
Paul Bacsich became a full-time consultant in April 2004, for Sero Consulting Ltd and partly for his own company Matic Media Ltd. He is also Coordinator of the Open Education Working Group on a pro bono basis and an active mentor. His current interests are in leadership in e-learning, via the D-TRANSFORM project, a collaboration of French, UK, Spanish, Italian and Hungarian universities and research entities. In his earlier career he was at the Open University for 24 years, finally as co-founder and Assistant Director of the Knowledge Media Institute. In 1996 he left to take up a professorship in the School of Computing and Management Sciences of Sheffield Hallam University. He set up and ran for three years the Virtual Campus Programme, and the Telematics in Education Research Group (TERG) from which he bid for and won many contracts in the general area of e-learning from JISC (costing and change management), Becta, DfES and Sun Microsystems. In 2005 he became a consultant to the HE Academy. He has personally benchmarked over 20 universities and his team have benchmarked over 40. Benchmarking is now one of the core activities of Matic Media Ltd, with activities in England, Wales, Sweden and Canada. http://www.serohe.co.uk/team/professor-paul-bacsich/ @pbacsich
Diana Andone is the Director of the eLearning Center responsible for planning and implementing eLearning. She runs the team who developed and assure daily integration of the university award wining Virtual Campus CVUPT. She is also lecturer at the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, in the area of multimedia and web technologies. The publication list comprises 9 books and 82 papers presented at international conferences, she is reviewer for 12 International Conferences, 4 journals, 7 best paper awards at different conferences and since 2010 Co-chair at the IADIS WWW/Internet International Conference. In the last years she was involved in 21 EU funded projects. In 2012 she received the EDEN Fellow Title (European Distance and E-Learning Network) and she is a member of EDEN Executive Committe. diana.andone@cm.upt.ro http://elearning.upt.ro/diana_andone Twitter @diando70
Carmen Holotescu este profesor în cadrul Facultății de Inginerie a Universității “Ioan Slavici” din Timișoara, cu un doctorat pe tema noilor tehnologii și a educației deschise. A participat în multe proiecte europene și are o experiență bogată în proiectarea și implementarea de platforme de învățare și colaborare bazate pe pedagogii deschise. A scris peste 100 de articole și cărți legate de eLearning/Blended Learning, Social Media, resurse educaționale deschise (OER), cursuri online masive deschise (MOOC), menționate în peste 1000 citări. Este instructor online certificat al University of Maryland University College, USA, facilitând timp de 12 ani cursuri online la această universitate. @cami13
Gabriela GROSSECK este conferențiar în cadrul Departamentului de Psihologie al Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Interesele sale de cercetare se concentrează în arealul pedagogiei online, instruirii asistate de noile tehnologii informaționale și de comunicare, informaticii sociale. Este preocupată și pasionată de introducerea și utilizarea tehnologiilor Web 2.0 și social media în educație, la orice ciclu de studii și de către orice actor educațional. gabriela.grosseck@e-uvt.ro @ggrosseck
Vlad Mihaescu este absolvent al Facultatii de Electronica si Telecomunicatii (2009) cu specializare obtinuta in urma unui master in Tehnologii Multimedia (2011) si recent a finalizat teza de docorat, cu tema The development and implementation of a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) platform. Avand experienta in tehnologii multimedia, social media, e-tourism, e-learning, usabilitate si programare, Vlad Mihaescu are un numar de aproximativ 10 lucrari stiintifice publicate sau in curs de publicare la diverse conferinte si jurnale internationale. Vlad.mihaescu@cm.upt.ro @mihaescuvlad
Silviu Vert is assistant professor at the Politehnica University of Timisoara, finished his PhD studies exploring the potential of linked and open data in smart city environments. He is also a developer for the e-learning platform of the university, the Virtual Campus. Silviu acts as Ambassador for Romania of the Open Knowledge Foundation and is interested in topics such as Open Government Data, Open Education and Open Access. He is actively involved at local and national levels in open government activities and advocacy events. Silviu.vert@cm.upt.ro @silviuvert
Radu Ticiu, Promoting entrepreneurship in Timisoara and leading Startup Hub, Seedcamp mentor, TiMoDev founder, CoderDojo champion & promoter. @RaduTiciu
Software architect, trainer and entrepreneur, Dan Bugariu is involved in projects that support the development of cities and people. Dan is cofounder of Smart City Association. The organization was founded in 2014 with the intention to create a framework for developing cities based on the collective intelligence of citizens. The association is driven by a community of professionals who believe in transparency, technology, innovation, education and entrepreneurship. @MySmartCityRO