E³UDRES² – Ent-r-e-novators PhD Summer School 2025 – Open Practices in Higher Education
June 02 – 06 | 2025
Timișoara | Romania
Organized by Politehnica University of Timisoara as part of the E³UDRES² – Ent-r-e-novators project, part of the European Universities Alliance E³UDRES² with Politehnica University of Timișoara.
The PhD Summer School on Open Practices in Higher Education 2025 marks the inaugural edition of this intensive 5-day program designed for early-stage researchers (Master’s and PhD students) and researchers eager to explore the landscape of Open Education (OE), Open Access (OA), Open Science (OS), and Open Innovation (OI).
Organized by Politehnica University of Timișoara as part of the E³UDRES² – Ent-r-e-novators project and with the active participation of all members from the E³UDRES² European Universities Alliance, this Summer School offers you a unique opportunity to enhance your understanding and skills in Open Policies. Through interactive workshops, expert-led sessions, and hands-on activities, you will learn how to develop and apply open policies that enhance accessibility, collaboration, and innovation in academia. Hosted in Timișoara, Romania, at the UPT Conference Center, this modular program combines lectures and hands-on activities, equipping you with the knowledge and practical skills to develop and implement effective open policies within your respective fields.

The summer school program covers the core principles and practical applications of Open policies across various domains. Participants will explore key concepts, analyze real-world case studies, and engage in hands-on activities to develop their open policy frameworks and everyday practices. PhD students will have the possibility to present their research and gain insights into how open access and open science can help and support them.
The program will consist of 3 hours of sessions in the morning, each featuring a presentation by a speaker followed by 3 hours of afternoon interactive, hands-on activities. The curriculum is structured around the following key topics
- Open Education;
- Open Education resources pedagogies and practices;
- OERs production;
- Open Science;
- Ethical Aspects in Open Science;
- Open publishing
- Open Data;
- Open Innovation;
- Open Innovation practices;
- Open Innovation Tools;
- FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable data;
This year’s Summer School features a lineup of specialists and thought leaders sharing insights and experiences on Open policies. These speakers offer extensive knowledge from academia, research, and policy, providing participants with a unique opportunity to learn from the best in the field.
Diana Andone – Politehnica University Timisoara | Romania
The use of AI in Open Education, OER production, AI use in research and Science
Sílvia Couvaneiro – Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal | Portugal
Open Education pedagogies and practices
Sara Gilissen – UC Leuven-Limburg University of Applied Sciences | Belgium
Open Innovation
Tassillo Pelegrini – St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences | Austria
Open Data
Klaudia Polgar – Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Hungary
Open data & FAIR
Agnese Davidsone – Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA)| Latvia
Ethical Aspects in Open Science
Silviu Vert – Politehnica University Timisoara | Romania
Open Science, Open Innovation Tools
Vlad Mihaescu – Politehnica University Timisoara | Romania
Radu Vasiu – Politehnica University Timisoara | Romania
Open Publishing
Each E³UDRES² partner institution is encouraged to send Master’s students, PhD students, researchers, and academic staff, free of charge.
The Summer School is open to participants from E³UDRES² partner institutions and sister projects, as well as participants from other EU countries.
For E³UDRES² partner institutions, outside partners and sister projects, or participants from EU countries, the costs are free, covered by the E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators project
Funding for traveling and accommodation is available through Erasmus+ mobility & staff training from your institution.
We can arrange accommodation until 10 May 2025.
Casa Poli 1 / Politehnica House no.1
Single - 31.14 Euro
Double - 46.21 Euro
>>> see more details -
Casa Poli 2 / Politehnica House no.2
Single - 46.21 Euro
Double - 58.26 Euro
>>> see more details
Please write your accommodation requests to UPT hotels here contact@elearning.upt.ro
Every participant needs to register until 1 May 2025.
Application form: If you would like to participate in summer school, we invite you to apply by filling out this Open Practices participant application form. The application form contains: personal and practical questions (5 minutes to answer), and questions about your PhD work (15 minutes to answer).
Review: We will review your submission and make a decision within one day after you submit this application.
Data: The data are securely stored by the UPT (E³UDRES² member).
UPT Conference Center
It is located on Vasile Pârvan Boulevard No. 2 B, right next to the UPT Central Library.
The Summer School for doctoral students will be organized in two of UPT’s spaces: K1 amphitheater and room C401.
The K1 Amphitheater has:
- 89 audience seats;
- 4 seats in the presidium;
- 16:9 video projection system (projector + projection screen);
- Sound system (4 microphones for the presidium, 2 mobile microphones, 2 lavaliere);
Room C401 is located on the 4th floor of the building, where the Digital & Digital Education Department is also located.
We are excited to have you here this summer and we hope you have a wonderful time exploring our beautiful city. Timișoara, also known as the “Little Vienna” due to its architecture, is a culturally rich city with a long history, with lots of public squares and lush green retreats.
There are many things to see and do in Timișoara, so here are some suggestions to enjoy during your stay:
- Visit the Piața Unirii (Union Square) – This is the central square of Timișoara and a great place to start your exploration of the city. The Union Square (Domplatz) had unusually large dimensions, compared to the size of the fortress, which served to highlight the baroque aspect of this space.
- Brück Palace (also in Union Square) – On the southern side of the Union Square, in the immediate vicinity of the Baroque Palace, stands one of the most recognizable buildings of Timisoara – the Salamon Brück Palace. Built according to the plans of the Timisoara architect László Székely, in the Secession style, the palace was completed in the summer of 1911.
- The National Theater and Opera House (Victory Square) – The building was built between 1872 and 1875 in the intra muros area of the fortress, according to the plans of the architects Ferdinand Fellner Jr. and Hermann Helmer, in an eclectic historical style.
- Maria Theresia Bastion –The Theresia Bastion, also known as the “Bastion of the Fortress”, is the largest surviving part of Timișoara’s former bastioned fortress. It also houses the National Museum of Banat.
- Explore the Roses Park – Rozelor Park, formerly called the Rose Park, Rosarium, Ștefan Plavăț Culture, and Leisure Park is one of the parks in Timișoara, arranged in the Cetate neighborhood.
- The “Holy Three Hierarchs” Metropolitan Cathedral – The Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral impresses both by its size and by the artistic value of the monument, it combines the elements of Byzantine architecture with those of old Romanian architecture.
- Bega Canal – And last but not least, if you are in Timișoara you must visit and take a vaporetto boat trip on the Bega Canal. The canal runs through the entire city, connecting neighborhoods and historic areas.
>>> Discover more places to visit in Timisoara at Spotlight Heritage Timisoara official website.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/entrenovators
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/entrenovators/
Website: https://www.entrenovators.eu/
Updates: elearning.upt.ro
The project, that started at October 2022, is funded by the European Commission and managed by European Research Executive Agency (REA), through the Horizon Europe programme, within the framework of its pillar on scientific excellence (call HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-05), which aims to strengthen the research and innovation capacity of higher education institutions. countries and their ecosystems.
E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators includes, interacts and collaborates with a diverse variety of smart and ambitious people, academic institutions, regional authorities, companies, European research and innovation (R&I) networks and regional innovation ecosystems.
The E³UDRES² Alliance is one of 50 European University Alliances in Europe – an initiative launched by the European Commission, indicating excellence in the field of higher education.
The E³UDRES² European University Alliance is comprised of nine higher education institutions: A combination of unique, scientific universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS).