Cătalin Ionuț SILVESTRU

Cătalin Ionuț SILVESTRU

Cătalin Ionuț SILVESTRU is associate professor in Economic Informatics and Cybernetics Department, Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest. He received his PhD in the field of Economic Informatics at the Academy of Economic Studies. He is a member of INFOREC professional association, Project Management Romania association, ACM, IEEE and others. He published over 40 articles in journals and magazines in computer science, informatics, e-learning, project management and long life learning fields, over 30 papers presented at national and international conferences, symposiums and work-shops and he was member in over 38 research projects.

He also activates as Director with the National Qualifications Authority, Bucharest (Romania). He oversees the development and maintenance of network solutions; development and implementation of software and hardware solutions; development, implementation and realization of web and data security solutions; development and updating of IT policies at institutional level; management of online communication platforms.


ID Numele evenimentului Durată Data de început
Open Education Week Workshop 2023 5 Ore 03/03/2023


Bl. Vasile Parvan, nr. 2 B, Etaj IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300

Mail: contact@elearning.upt.ro


Centrul ID/IFR și e-Learning (CeL), a fost înființat în 1998, ca parte integrantă a Universităţii Politehnica Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizeaza specializările – Tehnologii si Sisteme de Telecomunicatii, Informatică Aplicată, Comunicare și Relații Publice în regim de învăţământ la distanță de ciclu licenţă și Tehnologia Construcțiilor de Mașini în regim de învățământ cu frecvență redusă de ciclu licenţă.