Professors & Guests

Angela Repanovici

Prof. Angela Repanovici, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania RO: Angela Repanovici is a professor at the Department of Product Design, Mechatronics and Environment at Transilvania University of Brasov. Her research interests include: Information Management, Information Technology, Marketing, Information Literacy. EN: Angela Repanovici is a professor at the Department of Product Design, Mechatronics and […]

Ann Reulens

Researcher, University College Leuven Limburg, UCLL, Belgium EN: Ann is an expert in supply chain management and sustainability, as a visiting professor and researcher at UCLL Hogeschool. Her work focuses on fostering sustainable practices and circular economy principles within organizations. With a particular focus on ESG strategies and compliant procurement, she […]

Alina Ancuța Berbeneciuc

Alina Ancuța Berbeneciuc, professor at the "Vasile Adamachi" Agricultural and Food Industry College in Iași Prof. Alina Ancuța Berbeneciuc is a professor at the Vasile Adamachi Agricultural and Industrial Technical College in Iași. Her research interests focus on the application of artificial intelligence in ICT classes in technical secondary schools, the challenges and practical examples. She has been involved […]

Alina Irimia

Alina Irimia, Open Science Project Coordinator at UEFISCDI RO: Alina Irimia coordinates the Open Science Knowlesge Hub Romania (OSKH) group and has been working for over 14 years as an expert in strategic planning within the Executive Agency for the Financing of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (UEFISCDI) , contributing to the development of policies for research and innovation. He got involved in […]

Arnold Pears

Arnold Pears, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, president-elect IEEE Education RO: Arnold Pears is actively involved in engineering education research with the aim of improving the understanding of effective engineering teaching methodologies in various social contexts. He emphasizes the multifaceted nature of engineering education, which extends beyond knowledge […]

Adriana Ioana Barcean

I am a person passionate about learning, wife, mother of 4 children, coordinating teacher of English Culture and Civilization and Theater at Palatul Copiilor Deva, Orăștie branch, French language teacher at the "Aurel Vlaicu" Theoretical High School in Orăștie, SuperTeach teacher, facilitator of of the "Open Mindset in Education" program, facilitator of the "Circle of Safety" program, youth worker, coordinator [...]

Anusca Ferrari

EN: Anusca Ferrari is Policy Officer at DG Education and Culture at the European Commission. She is an expert in digital education, in particular on digital skills and policies for lifelong learning. Anusca has been working on education and training for more than 17 years as a policy officer, policy analyst, project manager, independent consultant, researcher, […]

Alexandru Luca 

Alexandru Luca is the president of the League of Students from the Faculty of Automatics and Computers in Timișoara. He has a rich experience of volunteering, especially in the area of non-formal education projects. Since 2020 he has been a youth worker accredited by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and during his studies he was involved as a trainer in various initiated projects […]

Adrian A. Adascăliței 

Prof. Dr. Adrian A. Adascăliței is a member of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, at the Technical University “Gh. Asachi ”Iași since 1982 (assistant 1982, head of works 1990, associate professor 2003, professor 2016), where he taught courses in: electrical circuit theory, electromagnetic field theory, electromagnetic compatibility, electrical engineering, computerized analysis of electrical circuits. Dr. Adăscăliței also teaches at the departments of […]

Alison Morrisroe

After graduating from Trinity College Dublin with a degree in French and Spanish, Alison Morrisroe worked as an English teacher at the University of Lille, Catholic University of Lille and Dublin City University. Alison also holds a Masters in International Relations from Dublin City University and completed her internship at the Committee […]

Andrei Graure

Andrei Graure, Master of Software Engineering, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania

Antonia Nemeș

Antonia Nemeș, Master of Multimedia Technologies, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania

Alexandru Iovanovici

Dr. Alexandru Iovanovici, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania

Anca Drăghici

Ro: Anca Drăghici Anca Draghici received a Master's degree in machine tool design (1989, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania) and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management (2001, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania). In 2001, he obtained a doctorate in the field of machine tool ergonomics research at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania. He is now a teacher […]

Andreea Maria Paul

Ro: Andreea Maria Paul Andreea Maria Paul, founder and president of the non-governmental organization INACO - Competitiveness Initiative. In 2012, she was elected deputy of Ţara Oașului in the Romanian Parliament and had the most active term as deputy until 2016. Andreea is a doctor in economics, associate professor at the Faculty of Economic Relations […]

Anna Krassa

En: Anna Krassa - Educational Advisor, Moodle Anna graduated from the Faculty of Library Science and Information Science, but has been working with Moodle since 2005. She first worked with the University of Macedonia's Greek School Network Research Team, where she was introduced to Software open source and asynchronous eLearning. In 2006, she started […]

Anthony F. Camilleri

Anthony F. Camilleri's experience relates to quality assurance processes and the transfer of research knowledge. As part of quality assurance, he provided training on review techniques by quality assurance agencies in Europe and contributed to the UNIQUe and ECBCheck guidelines on quality assurance in e-learning. In the […]

Ana Duplava

A student of Psychology at the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Ana chose to get involved in the student movement since the first year with colleagues from the Association of Students in Psychology Sibiu, where he worked as a financial coordinator. She became passionate about education and found herself in the principles of ANOSR still […]

Adrian Breha

West University of Timisoara

Alexandra Ferencz

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat "King Mihai I of Romania" Timisoara

Alexandru Iliescu

Alexandru Constantin ILIESCU Polytechnic University of Timișoara is a student of the Timișoara Polytechnic University, at the Faculty of Automatics and Computers. He is currently the student representative on the Board of Directors and the president of the Students' League of the Faculty of Automation and Computers (AC League).

Andrea Medrea

Polytechnic University of Timisoara ?????? ?????? is a first year student, master's degree in Multimedia Technologies, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania. Andrea considers that the activity in a student organization is an important factor in the personal development and she likes to militate for a higher quality education.

Aurelia Ciupe

Aurelia Ciupe is a lecturer at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and a member of the Multimedia Systems and Applications Laboratory. Over the last decade, he has been involved in the development of technological support for educational solutions dedicated to higher education and national institutions. He is the local UTCN coordinator within the LOVEDISTANCE Erasmus + CBHE project: “Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion Via Equitative […]

Andrei Ternauciuc

Andrei Ternauciuc is a Head of Works at the Department of Communications of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology. He teaches courses and supports practical activities with students in a variety of fields, including educational and information technology, online platforms and telecommunications equipment testing. He successfully defended his PhD in 2011 with a thesis in the field of web platforms […]

Alexandra Fortis

BioCoderDojo Timișoara - Biology and Programming Sharing The Stage - - Experiences in CoderDojo

Alexandra I. Cristea

Alexandra I. Cristea is a professor, the leader of the research group in innovative computing at the Department of Computer Science at Durham University. Her research interests include web science, learning analytics, user modeling and personalization, the semantic web, the social web, authoring, with over 250 papers on these topics (over 3,700 citations on Google Scholar, h-index 31). Activity […]

Assoc.Prof. Hendrik Knoche

Assoc.Prof. Hendrik Knoche Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark Hendrik Knoche has been working in human-computer interaction and user experience on both desktop and mobile devices for over ten years, in industry and academia in various areas: games, mobile social networking, automatic content adaptation and quality […]

Assoc. Prof. Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl

Assoc. Prof. Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl is the head of “The Ideas Lab” at the National Institute of Digital Learning, University of Dublin City, Ireland. He is currently an associate professor and senior researcher, doing research in the field of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) and implementing the University's Strategic Initiative in this field. She is a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Notre Dame […]

Assoc.Prof. Antonella Poce

Assoc.Prof. Antonella Poce, director of the Center for Museum Studies, Università Roma Tre Antonella Poce is an associate professor in Experimental Pedagogy in the Department of Education - University of Roma TRE, where she chairs the Center for Museum Education and postgraduate courses: annual museum education and biennial advanced studies in education museum. Coordinates national units in European projects and […]

Andreia Inamorato

Scientific Officer at the European Commission's Joint Research Center (DG JRC)

Arthur Csertus


Arthur Csertus is an entrepreneur and software engineer from Timisoara, with German and Hungarian origins. He is focused on growing his company, “Cobalt Sign,” and the “Ready Set Holiday!” App. downloaded over 1.5 million times. Arthur is eager to work with the latest technologies and create wonderful products for the company and customers. […]

Avi Cicirean


As an entrepreneur, Flaviu Cicirean founded two landmark companies for the business environment, both in Romania and in Europe: BRAND EMOTION and BRAND MINDS. The first of these develops and curates the sound identity of some of the biggest brands in Romania (BMW, Mini, Hornbach, Băneasa Shopping City, Radio21, VibeFM, Antena1, RadioZU, ZU […]


Bl. Vasile Parvan, no. 2 B, Floor IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300



The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication and Public Relations in distance education under license cycle and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of license cycle.