Technologies and Telecommunication Systems  |  an 1  –  an 2  –  an 3  –  an 4

Applied computer science  |  an 1  –  an 2  –  an 3

Communication and public relations  |  an 1  –  an 2  –  an 3

Machine Building Technology  |  an 1  –  an 2  –  an 3  –  an 4

Modeling and simulation in telecommunicationsAss.Dr. Eng. Tzecu Cristian
Ph.D. Eng. Rotaru Oana Alexandra
Computer graphicsDr. Eng. Onita Mihai
Management and marketingProf. Dr. Ing. PROSTEAN Gabriela
Ş.l.dr. Eng. Giuca Marilena-Georgeta-Olivia
Radiocommunications 2Prof. Dr. Eng. ALEXA Florin
Software for telecommunicationsProf. Dr. Ing. GONTEAN Aurel-Stefan
Testing electronic equipment for telecommunicationsProf. Dr. Eng. VASIU Radu
Associate Dr. Eng. MOCOFAN Muguraş
Ş.l.dr. Eng. Tzecu Cristian
Multimedia TechnologiesDr. Ing. Andone Diana
Ph.D. Eng. Rotaru Oana Alexandra
Audio-video compressionProf. Dr. Eng. VASIU Radu
Associate Dr. Eng. MOCOFAN Muguraş
Modern telecommunications techniquesDr. Eng. VESA Andy
Audio-video productionAssociate Dr. Eng. MOCOFAN Muguraş
Telecommunications Software ProjectSl. Dr. Eng. Ternauciuc Andrei
Mobile networksDr. Eng. Poppa Daniel