Launch of the EU I2AGORA project
Between April 19-20, 2011 Diana Andone participated in Leuven, Belgium at the launch of the EU LLL International Internship Agora - I2AGORA project in which CID is a partner. During the meeting, CID presented the concept of Internship 2.0.
Meeting 2 EU LLL CBVI
Between April 4-5, 2011 Marian Bucos participated in Wuppertal, Germany at the 2nd project of the EU LLL Cross Border Virtual Incubator CBVI in which CID is a partner. During this meeting, the first online courses in the field of university involvement with enterprises were analyzed.
Meeting 2 EU LLL SKILL2E
Between March 31 and April 3, 2011 Delia Tanase and Tatiana Ternaucicu participated in Alicante, Spain at the 2nd meeting of the EU LLL SKILL2E project in which CID is a partner. During this meeting, a training session as a cultural mentor took place.
Launch of the eSTART project
The eSTART Project Multi-regional Master's Degree Program in eActivity (POSDRU / 86 / 1.2 / S / 54956) was officially launched in Timisoara on March 23, 2011 to UPT teachers, master's students. On this occasion, the needs of the eSTART master's program curriculum were discussed. CID is a partner in the implementation of the project.
Launch of the Simulated Enterprise project
CID is a partner in the Simulated Enterprise for Work Techniques within Technology Companies project (POSDRU / 90 / 2.1. / S / 56319) which was launched in Bucharest on January 26, 2011. More information at http: //www.intreprindere- >> Back
Between October 4-5, 2010, Diana Andone participated in the launch of the EU LLL Cross Border Virtual Incubator CBVI project in Leuven, Belgium, in which CID is a partner. During this meeting, the way to approach the virtual incubator to encourage entrepreneurship was planned.
On October 1-2, 2010, Diana Andone participated in the launch meeting of the EU LLL SKILL2E project in Salzburg, Austria, in which CID is a partner. The most important activity in the first year is to create the color mentoring model for students in international practice modules.
Modern societies are in need of innovation to sustain their economy, but the individual and financial necessity of actually becoming entrepreneurial has diminished: a relative decrease of entrepreneurial activity is observed for economies progressing from agricultural and manufacturing towards innovation driven economies. Accordingly, States must revitalize education & training to these skills, and especially appeal […]