Involvement of students from Timisoara in the challenges of the beginning of the academic year during pandemic time
On September 23, 2020, the webinar #impreunaonline - Involvement of Timisoara students in the challenges of the beginning of the academic year during the pandemic took place. Find out more here!
Thousands of students participated ONLINE in the Opening Ceremony of the UPT academic year
More than 3,000 students participated on Monday, September 21, at the opening of the 2020-2021 academic year, which, for the first time, was organized online and broadcast live on the university's Facebook and YouTube channels.
ID / IFR ADMISSION results - SEPTEMBER 2020 session
Here you will find the FINAL results of the ID / IFR ADMISSION contest from the SEPTEMBER 2020 session!
Webinar #onlinetogether - The challenges of the beginning of the academic year during the pandemic
The #impreunaonline webinar series is back. The rectors of the four major universities in Timisoara spoke about the challenges of the beginning of the academic year during the pandemic.
The new academic year begins on October 3 for ID / IFR students
The academic year 2020-2021 begins on Saturday, October 3 for students in distance and part-time courses. See the calendar with the dates when the courses and exams at ID / IFR are scheduled in the new academic year!
Support for the start of the school year: A guide with good practice recommendations and information, training and webinars
Hundreds of teachers in Romania have benefited from free online support in developing plans for the start and conduct of the 2020/2021 school year as part of a GLE initiative of the AntiCovidTM platform, together with CeL and TVR Timișoara.
Webinar dedicated to teachers: "Urgent issues regarding the opening and operation of schools"
The last webinar in the series dedicated to the support of teachers in Romania for the collective implementation of action plans in pre-university education in the context of the pandemic took place on Wednesday, 09.09.2020. Find out more here!
Webinar launching the guide with Recommendations of good practice on the operation of schools in the context of COVID -19
CeL supports the teachers from Timiș in the elaboration of the plan for the new school year: Hundreds of teachers from the schools from Timiș at the webinar for launching the guide with Recommendations of good practice regarding the functioning of the schools in the context of COVID19.