AugmentedWearEdu project
Integrating virtual and AUGMENTED reality with WEARable technology into engineering EDUcation Project type: Erasmus + Project introduction The main objective of AugmentedWearEdu is to introduce a new framework for e-Learning which consists of including haptic experiences for digital access to university laboratories. This will be achieved by combining virtual reality (VR) technologies […]

ACADIGIA project
Project introduction The ACADIGIA project accelerates the digital preparation of polytechnic higher education institutions towards the sustainable adoption of several online and mixed approaches. In other words, ACADIGIA encourages the introduction of a strong mentoring system that will enable higher education staff to become high-tech educators. Visit the official ACADIGIA project page […]

Erasmus + MODE IT
Introduction to the MODE IT project is the Erasmus + project "Curricular modernization through the implementation of the MOOC model". Five MODE IT partners from Germany, Lithuania, Turkey, Portugal and Romania are working together to introduce innovative MOOC-based approaches to the design and delivery of higher education courses. In other words, MODE IT encourages the integration of open online pedagogies in courses and […]

Spotlight Heritage Timișoara
Spotlight Heritage reveals, by digital storytelling, Timisoara through stories of cultural and historical heritage, of technical development, of communities and neighborhoods, interwoven with the personal stories of the inhabitants of yesterday and today.

Digital Culture - Improving the digital competences and social inclusion of adults in creative industries
The project aims to create a sustainable and efficient education program dedicated to adult learners with low digital skills and low-qualified adults involved in the creative industries sector from Romania, Italy, Austria, Denmark, Lithuania, UK and Ireland. The main outcomes include the Digital Skills and Social Inclusion for Creative Industries MOOC Courses available online and through blended learning

ABC to VLE: beyond curriculum design
ABC to VLE is a 2 year Erasmus+ funded project that UCL is leading in collaboration with 12 partner institutions from across Europe. The project will develop support structures to help teaching teams to implement their ABC learning designs within the local Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or Learning Management System (LMS).

OpenVM: Opening Education for Developing, Assessing and Recognizing Virtual Mobility Skills in Higher Education
The openVM project aims at promoting and scaling-up VM in HE in Europe through achievement, assessment and recognition of Virtual Mobility Skills of HE educators and students in line with the Bologna and Open Education principles.

IoT Rapid-Proto Labs
IoT Rapid-Proto Labs is a European transnational project, co-funded by European Union Erasmus + Knowledge Alliance Program, bringing higher education institutions and businesses together to accelerate Internet of Things (IoT) product development.