IS in the media
The launch of the internship activity with students within the IS project "Simulated enterprise for working techniques in technology companies" of the "Politehnica" University of Timisoara was represented in the local media - Ziua de Vest newspaper and in the TV report broadcast by Teleuniversitatea TV on February 1, 2013 >> Back
Launch IS
Operation of Simulated Enterprises TUESDAY 29 January 2012 at 1 pm Room A106, ELECTRO building 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara 13:00 - Introduction to the project "Simulated enterprise for working techniques in technology companies" - Diana Andone, project coordinator P1, Center by eLearning 13:05 - Involvement of the Faculty of Automation and Computers Dean, Horia Ciocarlie - Involvement […]
IS training session planning
Planning for IS platform training session and account creation, in the attached document. Documents ProgrammingCreating Accounts >> Back
IS internships
Simulated enterprises - internships for second year students Ac and ETc Simulated enterprises comprise two main components: a practice center / university laboratory and a series of software applications developed as working tools. The development of the laboratories will consist in carrying out teaching, learning and evaluation activities supported by tutors recruited from the companies […]
Project meeting in Fatima
Between September 24 and 25, the third meeting of the TAFCITY project took place in Fatima, Portugal. On behalf of UPT, Vlad Mihăescu participated. We discussed mainly the future materials that will be part of the Tafcity course but also again, about the structure of the course and the various technologies and educational tools that could be […]
Opening ceremony of the academic year
The opening ceremony of the 2012-2013 academic year for Distance Education will take place on Saturday, October 6, 2012, at 9:00, in room A101. All students are invited to participate.
The structure of the academic year 2012/2013
The I SEMESTER of the academic year 2012/2013 is for the period 24.09.2012 - 24.02.2013, and is valid for all years of study from distance education: 24.09.2012 - 23.12.2012 TEACHING 12.01.2013, 13.01.2013 Distributed evaluation (scheduling 1) 20.01.2013, 27.01.2013 Distributed evaluation (scheduling 2) 19.01.2013, 26.01.2013, 02.02.2013, 09.02.2013 SESSION 1 (scheduling 1) 16.02.2013, 17. 02.2013, 23. 02.2013, 24.02.2013 SESSION […]
SKILL2E Workshop
The e-Learning Center of the “Politehnica” University of Timişoara organizes, under the auspices of the international project EU LLL Sustainable Know-How in Intercultural Learning in Student Placements and the Knowledge Transfer to Enterprises (SKILL2E, .at /, meeting workshop / working lunch SKILL2E Workshop International technical placements Cultural mentoring and intercultural competence / awareness using the SKILL2E model during International technical placements What [… ]