Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow - IEEE 2020 Day
The 15th webinar in the #impreunaonline series was dedicated to the celebration of the IEEE Foundation through the theme of IEEE 2020 Day - "Leveraging technology for a better future". Find out more here!
MODE IT at the LWMOOCS 2020
The MODE IT Consortium conducted an analysis of the competencies and skills of teachers needed to design and deliver MOOCs in formal education at the Learning with MOOC (LWMOOCS) 2020 conference. The conference was originally planned for Guatemala, but thanks to COVID-19, took place in last online from September 29 to October 2, 2020. LWMOOCs is […]
MODE IT 1st newsletter is released!
On October 1, 2020 - the MODE IT project turned 1 year old. This was celebrated by the creation of the first MODE IT newsletter. The first issue summarizes the most important aspects of the project so far and provides information on future activities. You can view and download the newsletter HERE.
Webinar #onlinetogether - Higher education – solutions and challenges identified with the beginning of the new school year
On September 30, 2020, the webinar Together Online: Pre-university education took place - solutions and challenges identified with the beginning of the new school year. Find out more here!
Presentation of the DigiCulture project in training sessions for UPT students
Dr. Eng. Diana Andone, together with Ș.L. Dr. Eng. Vlad Mihăescu presented to the over 1,000 students of the Polytechnic University of Timișoara about the DigiCulture project
Involvement of students from Timisoara in the challenges of the beginning of the academic year during pandemic time
On September 23, 2020, the webinar #impreunaonline - Involvement of Timisoara students in the challenges of the beginning of the academic year during the pandemic took place. Find out more here!
Thousands of students participated ONLINE in the Opening Ceremony of the UPT academic year
More than 3,000 students participated on Monday, September 21, at the opening of the 2020-2021 academic year, which, for the first time, was organized online and broadcast live on the university's Facebook and YouTube channels.