ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL),  former e-Learning Center and Distance Learning Center (CID / CSID), (Decision_CA 35_2013_schimbare_denumire_CeL) was established by Senate resolution The Politehnica University of Timișoara since 11.02.1998, as part of the national network of open distance learning, with the aim of functional integration in the trans-regional network of study centers for open distance learning. The status of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center was revised and approved by the UPT Senate on 1.11.2012. (link)

CeL celebrated on October 5-6, 2018, 20 years since its establishment through a series of scientific events (link), of involvement in the regional community, of connection with the economic environment, but also together with the students and ID / IFR graduates. (video)

The regulation on the organization, development and standardization of teaching activities in the form of distance and part-time education in the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, was approved by the UPT Senate on 25.04.2013. (Regulation_ID_IFR)

The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center was set up under the Phare Multi-Country program (1994-1999) run by European Training Foundation (ETF). The program established a network of 7 centers for distance learning in Romania and 39 centers in Central and Eastern Europe - Compendium of projects and activities. There are still collaborative relationships between these centers for the development of ID courses and the reciprocal provision of courses, through other European programs.

Since 1996, UPT, through CeL, offers specializations as undergraduate education:

Registrations take place in July and September.

see here more events from Alumni archive ID / iFR.

Some specializations have worked in short-term education (until 2005) as Audio-Video and Multimedia Technologies and Applied Informatics, and since 2006 as undergraduate education.

The main objectives of CeL from Polytechnic University of Timisoara are:

  • Initiation, promotion and management of distance learning in the university
  • Organizing and conducting distance learning curricula at university and postgraduate level
  • Research and development in the field of eLearning, MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), OER (Open Educational Resources), digital students, advanced technologies
  • Creation and management of the UPT Virtual Campus
  • Initiation, promotion and organization of online and mobile training sessions, professional training courses, lifelong training for companies or third parties
  • support and organization of professional training courses, lifelong training
  • Research and development in the field of e-learning, digital students, advanced web technologies for education, e-learning and mobile learning, virtual campuses
  • Initiation and management of national and international projects in digital education

Since its inception, CeL has been involved in 25 international projects, funded by the European Union, to strengthen the use of ICT technologies in education systems. The research results are found in the didactic and academic activity, in the introduction of the eLearning and blended learning system in the university and in the promotion, development and integration of online learning and mobile learning modules, open educational resources (OER) and open education. (link)

In its activity, CeL collaborates with similar centers from universities in Europe, Asia, USA and Canada.

CeL is an institutional partner in the profile associations:
EDEN  – European Distance Education and E-learning Network
EATA - European Association for Telematics Applications
IADISInternational Association for the Development of the Information Society
And collaborating partner at EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities

CeL also offers postgraduate courses offered online, in distance learning, accredited MEN:

  • Technologies, Systems and applications for eActivities (60 credits - 6 months)
  • Technologies, Systems and applications for eBusiness (60 credits - 6 months)
  • EMedia Technologies, Systems and Applications (60 credits - 6 months)
  • Technologies, Systems and Applications for eGovernment (60 credits - 6 months)
  • EHealth Technologies, Systems and Applications (60 credits - 6 months)
  • Training in blended-learning and modern educational technologies for university education - DidaTec (15 credits - 6 months)
  • courses in the field of Digital Competences and Creative Entrepreneurship.
    Registrations take place continuously

The eLearning Center - CeL offers services:

  • training and professional training sessions in various fields of technical or management expertise, for companies or third parties
  • consultancy in the field of eLearning or mobile learning
  • development of eLearning IT systems

The ID / IFR and eLearning Center (CeL) has developed UPT Virtual Campus, online and mobile educational environment, academic support and communication for all UPT faculties.
Developed since 1998 by our specialists, the CSID online platform has been constantly modified and improved in CVUPT - a system based on open-source Moodle.

The UPT Virtual Campus (CVUPT) aims to: (link)

  • integration of online learning and mobile learning modules for students from the specializations of academic training through distance learning
  • academic, administrative and communication support for Master's and doctoral students (blended learning) (partly undergraduate)
  • integration of web 2.0 technologies, social media and mobile tools in a virtual campus and in engineering education

The ID / IFR and eLearning Center (CeL) developed UniCampus is the first MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) university in Romania. It is developed by UPT as a platform for online courses, free and open to everyone, offered by the best professors from top universities, with a concrete exercise in open education.

The ID / IFR and eLearning Center (CeL) regularly organizes itinerant workshops and conferences. (link)

DeL 2024 activity report

CEL 2020 activity report

CEL 2019 activity report

CEL 2018 activity report

CEL activity report 2017

CEL activity report 2016

CEL activity report 2015

CEL activity report 2014

UPT reports information