ID / IFR ADMISSION - July Session
Important details for candidates admitted to the summer session. Results of the ID / IFR ADMISSION contest July session.
#impreunaonline webinar: Communication in science - How to win FameLab 2021 - Science for a better future
The #28 edition of the Together Online webinars series was dedicated to young researchers and science enthusiasts preparing to participate in the FameLab 2021 - Science for a better future competition.
#impreunaonline webinar: A year of pandemic education - the experience of universities
The #27 edition of the Together Online webinar series was dedicated to university teachers, who shared the experiences and challenges of the transition from on-campus education to online education, as well as the technologies and working methods used. Find out more details here!
#impreunaonline webinar: A year of pandemic education - the experience of universities
The #25 edition of the Together Online webinars series brought to the screens the teachers from the universities, who shared with us the experiences of transposing the teaching online, from the tools and technologies used to the activities and projects carried out with the students in the last year.
A year of pandemic education - in numbers and facts
Tens of thousands of online sessions, conferences, trainings, workshops and webinars held for the first time online. Millions of interactions on the Virtual Campus, in a year in which education in UPT took place exclusively online. See what a year of pandemic education meant!
#impreunaonline webinar: A year of education in the pandemic
One year after the beginning of the “social distance” of education, the rectors of the 4 big universities in Timișoara, together with the general school inspector from Timiș, spoke about the experiences of a year of education in pandemic. Find out more here!
International Workshop Open education in pandemic times
16 international speakers presented the latest news related to open education in Romania and the EU during the 8th edition of the workshop Open education during the pandemic, organized during the Open Education Week 2021.
#impreunaonline webinar: From the dossier to a democratic process of evaluating the institutional development of schools
A debate on the Guide for the internal and external evaluation of institutional development, launched for public consultation by ARACIP, addressed to all actors in the field of education.