Spotlight Heritage Timisoara exhibitions and applications dedicated to the Fabric neighborhood, launched with hundreds of participants, physically and online

Spotlight Heritage Timisoara exhibitions and applications dedicated to the Fabric neighborhood, launched with hundreds of participants, physically and online

The Spotlight Heritage Timișoara digital exhibitions and applications dedicated to the Fabric neighborhood have been launched Thursday, July 15 during the Vernissage Heritage under the spotlight: Fabric District - Worlds in Destinies. The event took place for the first time in hybrid format, both at the Attic of the Maria Theresia Bastion, and LIVE, on the Zoom, Facebook and YouTube platforms, with live interventions from the emblematic points in the Fabric neighborhood.

A physical and virtual tour of the economic life of the former Fabric district, two live interventions from the emblematic locations of the street exhibition and live demonstrations with online, mobile and augmented reality applications dedicated to the Fabric district. The third exhibition within the Spotlight Heritage Timișoara project was inaugurated on Thursday, July 15, both at the Attic of the Maria Theresia Bastion and online, via Zoom, Facebook and YouTube.

The hosts of the event were Claudiu Ilaș - the director of the National Museum of Banat, dr. Eng. Diana Andone director of the UPT e-Learning Center, associate professor dr. eng. Florin Dragan - the rector of the Polytechnic University of Timișoara and Simona Neumann - director of the Timișoara 2021 Association - European Capital of Culture.

During the opening, the exhibition "Heritage under the spotlight. Fabric neighborhood - worlds in destiny”Opened at the Maria Theresia bastion during July 15 - September 30, 2021street exhibitions with the information panels of the 16 locations Fabric neighborhood, but also online, mobile and augmented reality applications through which the public can find the old and new stories of Timisoara online and maybe even "travel" in the old Fabric neighborhood, with the help of virtual reality.

A foray into the economic world of the Factory of yesteryear

Participants were able to discover the exhibition at the Maria Theresia Bastion physically and virtually, stepping into the economic world of the neighborhood of craftsmen, the petty bourgeoisie, factories and workshops, with the help of diplomas, seals and guild insignia. Here they could walk inside a brewery reconstituted from the interwar period, they could admire collections of beer mugs from the nineteenth century, impressive collections of labels of alcoholic beverages in history, vintage shoes, but also a series of models of lanterns and trams in the neighborhood, trolleybuses and ferries, locomotive trains, but also an anchor that belonged to a boat that once ran on the Bega, along with many other collectibles. Marius Cornea and Ciprian Glăvan, museographers at the National Museum of Banat, presented to the participants the exhibition from the Maria Theresia Bastion, offering them details and historical stories about the Fabric neighborhood.

Live interventions from the street exhibition

Conf.arh.dr. Ciprian Blidariu - vice-dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Timișoara - greeted the participants with a live intervention in front of the Roman Catholic Church Millennium in Fabric, and Zoran Markov - The National Museum of Banat - spoke live in front of the Corneliu Mikloși Tram Museum - both offering Timișoara, and not only, details about the history and architecture of Timișoara buildings and monuments, right next to the Spotlight Heritage Timișoara information panels located in locations.

Worlds in destinies

A special intervention during the event was that of prof.univ.dr Smaranda Vultur - coordinator of the Group of Oral History and Cultural Anthropology - collaborator of this edition and the one who contributed to the realization of the Sequences, through the stories of the former inhabitants of the Factory selected from the interviews conducted by the Group he coordinated. She provided the participants with details about the Archive of the Group of Oral History and Cultural Anthropology, as well as the interviews conducted since 1998, as well as the significance of the title of the exhibition - Worlds in destinies.

Web site with online stories from the past and the present

The online and mobile components, the web page, are constantly evolving - with old and new stories dedicated to the Fabric neighborhood was discovered by the public in Bastion on a state-of-the-art device - interactive table exhibited at Theresia Bastion, while online participants had the opportunity to discover the application through a live tour, offered online by Polytechnic University of Timisoara.

Improved technology experiences in the Fabric neighborhood

Also during the opening, the first stories included in the mobile and augmented reality applications Spotlight Heritage Timișoara were launched, updated this year with the sections dedicated to the Fabric neighborhood, and with multiple functionalities that identify the 16 locations in the neighborhood, presented by several methods: text with location information and memories of past residents - of various ethnicities and occupations - written in text form, a gallery of images - both current and old images, videos and 360-degree images from each location, so that anyone to be able to create the feeling of being inside or in front of the building. In addition, once a user of mobile and augmented reality applications Spotlight Heritage Timișoara is near the Fabric neighborhood and in front of a building, the Augmented Reality (AR) function recognizes the building by providing information about it. By pointing the phone at the building, he will be able to see the old facade of the building overlapping the current one.

Guided tours for young people

Also this year, within the project, the experts of the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, of the National Museum of Banat and of the Group of Oral History and Cultural Anthropology will offer guided tours, in the neighborhood and virtual of the exhibitions and applications Spotlight Heritage Timișoara to students from institutions education in Timișoara. An augmented reality competition will be held in the fall for students at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Alborg University, Denmark and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Watch the event recording: