DigiCulture 3rd project meeting in Graz
The third transnational project meeting took place in Graz, organized by the University of Graz, on November, 14-15 2019, at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities.
The objectives of the meeting were to discuss new PMI issues, interim report, communication plan enhanced, reporting issues, tasks and milestones, reports on partner activity, reports on IO, evaluation with cultural stakeholders and with associated partners, multiplication events and dissemination plan, planning and reporting on O1.2 and O1.3, O2.2 and O2.3, O3.1, O3.2 and O3.3, O4.1 and O4.2, O5.1 and O5.2, O6.1, O6.2 and O6.3.

The agenda was very thorough and comprised several points. The withdrawal of the Association Timisoara 2021 European Capital of Culture was presented with the partners welcoming the Foundation Interart Triade as a replacement.
Then each partner presents their activities and progress since the last meeting. Related to Output 1, Conceptual Guidelines for Digital Competences for Culture, UniRoma3 presents the results of their work and announces that every course will have tools and competences needed by the companies/employees. UPT presents Output 2, Integrated Virtual Learning Hub – online and mobile MOOC platform. The partners discover the platform and different tools are discussed. DCU presents Output 3, The Digital Skills for Culture Online Course (DSC), with examples of other MOOC platforms related to the course structure. Guidelines, update on curricula and content and piloting are discussed among partners. AAU presents Output 4, Digital Skills E-Assessment and Open Digital Badges for Adult Education with debates about the concept of the badge and a discussion about building up the certified badge from gamification badges. Related to Output 6, Evaluation of the effectiveness of Digital Skills for Culture Course, Quality Assurance and Sustainability, JMEA presents the evaluation report, according to which the results are mostly positive. Financial and managerial aspects are also discussed, together with information related to dissemination, publications and future events and planning.
The participants enjoyed the hospitality of the local Austrian hosts and managed to experience local cuisine in the evening in the beautiful centre of Graz.