Professors & Guests

Peter Guld Leth

master student, Aalborg University, Denmark

Pop Valentine

I would. university Dr. Popa Valentin, Medical Specialist, Victor Babeș University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Prof. Daniela Rus

Prof. Daniela Rus is a professor of electrical and computer engineering Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi; Director of the Laboratory of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence (CSAIL) and Deputy Dean of Research for Schwarzman College of Computing at MIT. Prof. Rus brings deep expertise in robotics, artificial intelligence, data science and computing. He is a member of the National Academy […]

Prof. Denise Whitelock

Prof. Denise Whitelock is the interim director of the Institute of Educational Technology at Open University. He is a professor of technology-enhanced education and has over twenty-five years of experience in the field of artificial intelligence for the design, research and evaluation of online and computer learning in higher education. Recently led the contribution […]

Petrișor Țucă

Young engineer, graduate of the study program Mechatronics and Robotics, from the Faculty of Mechanics of the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, Petrișor Țucă followed a master's degree in the field of Robotic Systems with Artificial Intelligence, within the same faculty, and now follows the master's degree in Organizational Management. Petrişor started his representation activity in the Faculty Students' League […] Mariana Mocanu

Mariana Mocanu is a professor in the Computer department at UPB, whose director was in the period 2016-2020. He was part of the team that developed and implemented the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Romania. Participated in 6 TEMPUS / ERASMUS + projects with the theme of quality assurance and skills development in […]

Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Neculai Eugen Seghedin


Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Neculai Eugen Seghedin. Vice-rector of the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, responsible for teaching and quality assurance. Mechanical engineer, doctor in industrial engineering, doctoral supervisor. Holder of the courses Device Design, Basics of Technical Creation, Assisted Mechanical Bioengineering, Ethics and Academic Integrity. Member of the ARACIS Council. Expert of the European Bureau of […]

Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Irina Lungu


He is a Professor at the Faculty of Constructions and Installations in Iași, PhD supervisor in Civil Engineering, Vice-Rector for International Relations at TUIASI, President of the Iași Branch - Romanian Society of Geotechnics and Foundations. In the period 2010-2013 he is responsible for the TUIASI Support Center within the DIDATEC Project “University school for initial and continuous training of teaching staff […]

Prof. fiz. Irina Radinschi


Contact:, Mrs. Irina Radinschi is a university professor in the Department of Physics of the Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" in Iasi where she teaches courses in General Physics and Technical Physics. His areas of research include General Relativity, modeling, high-performance materials for construction and the environment. The teacher is also experienced in working with Maple calculation programs, […]

Prof. Dr. Grain Conole

Gráinne Conole joined the University of Bath Spa on 1st February 2015 as Professor of Education. She was previously at the University of Leicester, where she was professor of learning innovation and director of the Institute of Learning Innovation. Her research interests include: the use, integration and evaluation of Information and Communication Technologies and e-learning, research […]

Prof. Paul Bacsich

Paul Bacsich became a full-time consultant in April 2004, for Sero Consulting Ltd and partly for his own company Matic Media Ltd. He is also Coordinator of the Open Education Working Group on a pro bono basis and an active mentor. His current interests are in leadership in e-learning, via the D-TRANSFORM project, a collaboration of […]

Prof. Mike Sharples

  Mike Sharples is Professor of Educational Technology at the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK. He also has a post as Academic Lead for the FutureLearn company. His research involves human-centered design of new technologies and environments for learning. He inaugurated the mLearn conference series and was Founding President of the International […] Lăcrămioara Stoicu Tivadar

The Politehnica University of Timișoara

Prof. Mark Brown

Professor Mark Brown is the first Irish President in Digital Learning and Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), based at Dublin City University. Previously, Mark was Director of the National Teaching and Learning Center at Massey University in New Zealand. Over the past decade, Mark has played a […]

Prof. Daina Gudoniene

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Patricia Todor

Patricia Todor is a first year master student at Multimedia Technologies at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara. Throughout the faculty he worked in the League of Students of the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, being also a member of the Management Office. She currently works in the field of Telecom, and her passions include web and multimedia technologies […]

Prof. Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson

Professor Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson is an independent researcher, expert, consultant, quality evaluator and influencer in the fields of flexible and distance open online education. She is a member of EDEN EC, EDEN NAP, the Board of EDEN Members and President of EDEN GIS for technology-based learning and quality improvement. Ossiannilsson is in ICDE EC and an ambassador for […]

Prof. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers

Ulf-Daniel Ehlers is an expert in educational innovation and was appointed Professor of Educational Management and Lifelong Learning at Baden-Württemberg State University in Karlsruhe in 2011. From 2011-2017 he held the position of Vice President at the same university and was responsible for quality and academic affairs. He held the positions of teacher […]


Bl. Vasile Parvan, no. 2 B, Floor IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300



The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication and Public Relations in distance education under license cycle and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of license cycle.