Webinar OER Quality Assessment
During Open Education Week 2019, EDEN organizes a series of webinars dedicated to the impact of open education.
CeL: 2018 in numbers and facts
Now, at the end of the anniversary year, we have reviewed the special things we have accomplished and are proud of.
OpenVM Workshop
The OpenVM Workshop with the theme Virtual Mobility Service and Advanced Learning Technologies.
Workshop Digital Skills and Competences for the Creative Industries
What are the creative industries and what is their impact on the global economy? What are digital skills and what are digital skills and how are they validated in the creative industries? The presentation of success stories in the field of digital marketing and virtual museums but also of cultural heritage, including European were the points of interest of this workshop.
ICeL 2018 - Program
12 october 2018 International Conference on eLearning in Central and Eastern Europe 20th Anniversary of the eLearning Center - CeL 5 October 2018, Timișoara, Romania Auditorium Room, UPTConference Center Program 10:00 Welcome and Opening 10:05 Dr. Diana Andone, Politehnica University of Timisoara: Open and Distance education in Timisoara 10:20 Dr. Andras Szucs, Secretary […]
CeL 20th anniversary
September 26, 2018 Politehnica University of Timisoara organizes the 20th Anniversary of the establishment of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center - CeL, (initial name Regional Center for Distance Learning Studies - CSID) which will take place on October 5-6 2018 in Timisoara. On this occasion, a series of events will be organized, […]
Opening of the 2018-2019 academic year
September 18, 2018 Dear students, We inform you that on 06.10.2018 starting with 8:00, the opening of the new academic year 2018-2019 for distance and part-time courses will take place. The opening will take place in the Auditorium hall inside the Central Library of the Polytechnic (Bulevardul Vasile Pârvan 2B, Timișoara). During this meeting you will learn more […]