Award for excellence in digitization, given to the UPT e-Learning Center
The award for excellence in digitalization for the management of teaching activities carried out in 2020 went to the e-Learning Center, during the Ceremony of awarding the awards of excellence in the Polytechnic University of Timisoara - 2020.
2020 edition a The award ceremony of excellence in the Polytechnic University of Timișoara took place on Tuesday, December 15th 2020 during a small festivity, organized in the lobby of the UPT Library, the event being broadcast Live, simultaneously, on the Zoom and Facebook platforms, with the technical support provided by the CeL team. During the ceremony, the UPT e-Learning Center, through the director - Dr. Diana Andone received Award for excellence in digitization - for the management of teaching activities carried out in 2020.
After the awarding of the prize by the Vice-Rector of the Polytechnic University - Liviu Cădariu -Brailoiu, the director of CeL, Diana Andone, said a few words of thanks for acknowledging the appreciation brought to the e-Learning Center and its good functioning for more than 20 years, but especially related to the last special period and the efforts made.
First of all, I would like to thank the innovators who, 22 years ago, started distance learning - prof.dr.ing. Radu Vasiu and prof.dr.ing Lăcrimoara Stoicu Tivadar, prof.dr.ing. Nicolae Robu - the first director of the center, as well as the second director for distance education - prof.dr.ing Nicolae Stoicu Tivadar.
Diana also spoke about the current CeL team "a wonderful team, which allowed the development of the Virtual Campus, starting with 2005 - as a continuation of the first development made by the Multimedia Center, since 1999."

I'm here in front, but you're as good as the team you have - athis was the message of the CeL director about the team that made possible the digitization in the Polytechnic University of Timișoara and that allowed, together with the other administrators of the university to make “a university that is considered a model in digital education in Romania and not only” and that applied already all the digital transformation.
Over 130 participants they watched the event live and sent dozens of congratulatory messages to the laureates.
The host and presenter of the event was the vice-rector of UPT - Prof. Dr. Eng. Sorin Mușuroi, and the winners of this year's awards for excellence were:
Delia Anca bottle
Award for Excellence in Research, handed over by Vice-Rector Assoc. Dr. Alina Dumitrel.
Dr. Eng. Vajda Melinda
Award for Excellence in Research, awarded by Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu Emil Precup
Prof. Dr. Groza Bogdan Ioan
Award for Excellence in Research, awarded by Prof. univ. dr. eng. Liviu Marșavina
Prof.dr.ing. Claudiu Albulescu
Award for administrative excellence, handed over by Prof. univ. Dr. Dan Daniel
Dr. Diana Andone, Director of the e-Learning Center
The award for excellence in digitization, handed over by the Vice-Rector Assoc. Liviu CĂDARIU-BRĂILOUI
Academician Ion Boldea
UPT Centenary Award, handed by Assoc. dr. eng Florin Dragan, rector of UPT
The end of the ceremony was marked by a carol concert by the UPT choir.
See here the speech of the director of CeL, Diana Andone: