#impreunaonline webinar: International Girls and Women in STEM Day

#impreunaonline webinar: International Girls and Women in STEM Day

Organized together with EducaTM and IEEE Romania, One Source Association, IEEE Romania, IEEE Women in Engineering

#onlinetogether #impreunaonline

In these times of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, just like in other countries, face-to-face educational functions and activities are being moved online, using apps, platforms and various tools for distance education.

In the Online together webinars , we respond to these challenges, in the most practical way possible, in the spirit of open education and free access to knowledge. Participants received an Open Badge (Open digital certificate) - Online together.

In the edition XXI of webinars Online Together I celebrated girls and the women who chose a career in science and we were inspired by their stories, in a dedicated interactive session United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science - February 11.

How do you choose a career in STEM?

How do you pursue STEM education and how do you build a career in science, engineering or advanced research in STEM fields?

These are questions answered by both women who have an impressive career in STEM fields, and teenagers passionate about fields such as science, technology, engineering or mathematics.

I dedicated this session International Day of Girls and Women in STEM (United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science - 11 February), to celebrate girls and women in science, but also to honor on this occasion the growing contribution of women in science in the technical fields and also to share personal stories and inspirations for education and a career in STEM with those over 1,500 participants who were with us, both on the Zoom platform and live, on the pages of Facebook of CeL, CM and UPT.

Click on the image to view Open Badges issued at the Online Together webinars

Online Together webinars are organized in collaboration with IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association and the Politehnica University of Timișoara, every week with guests from other universities and schools in Romania.

See the event recording below:


Elena Helerea is a PhD professor, full professor until 2017 and currently an associate professor at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics.

His professional career had an ascending trajectory: first professor of engineering at the School Group of Chemistry in Făgăraş (1970-1976), then design engineer at the Chemical Plant of Făgăraş (1976-1977), and then to dedicate himself to university activities of education and research at the Transilvania University of Brasov (since 1977).

In education, he promoted the new teaching-learning methods, applying them both in the taught subjects: Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Materials, Energy Quality, History of Electrical Engineering, Professional Communication, and as Director of the Technical University College (1995 - 1997) , by Vice-Rector with didactic activity (2004-2008) or by Director of the University Library (2008-2012).

His main research areas are: materials for electrical engineering, energy quality, energy efficiency, reliability and electromagnetic compatibility, education, history of technology. He is a doctoral coordinator at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the Transilvania University of Brașov. Some of the research results have been published in over 250 papers in international journals, international conference papers and in books.

He is a senior member of IEEE, former member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Romania Section, active member of ACER, AGIR, CRIFST, ICOHTEC.

As coordinator of the Affinity Group "Women in Engineering" within the Romanian Section IEEE, organized activities (mentoring, workshops, online events) to stimulate women's access to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Lăcrămioara Stoicu-Tivadar he is a professor at the Polytechnic University of Timișoara (UPT), Romania, Faculty of Automation and Computers and doctoral coordinator in Computers and Information Technology. His current fields of research are: Virtual reality applications in medicine, ontologies that support diagnosis and treatment in obstetrics-neonatology-pediatrics, IoT applied in medicine. He initiated and coordinates the Master in Medical Informatics at UPT (2009). He is an active participant in national and European projects (H2020, EU COST, Erasmus +).

He acted as president of the Romanian Society of Medical Informatics (2010-2020), president of EFMI (2018-2020), president of WG EFMI HIIC (2009-2018), VP HL7 Romania, member of EFMI AC2. He is an IEEE Senior member. He acted as a consultant for the Romanian Ministry of Health (2004-2006, 2016). He is a member of the UPT Senate that chairs the Commission for Education and a member of the Doctoral Studies Council.

As a member of national and European professional societies, he has been president and co-president of conferences and has acted as a member of the SPC and a referent for conferences and magazines.

Alina Dumitrel graduated in 1995, the courses of the National College "Decebal" from Deva, as head of promotion, in June 2000, completing his studies at the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering - UPT, as head of promotion, obtaining the degree of engineer in Chemistry, specialization "Engineering of natural products processing". In the period 2000 - 2004 - he followed a doctorate in co-supervision: UPT - INSA Lyon France. In December 2004, he defended his dissertation at INSA Lyon, France, and obtained his scientific degree in "Sciences et Techniques du Déchet". This diploma was equated by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research with the doctoral degree in the field of Chemical Engineering. From October 2004 to January 2009 he worked as a university assistant and from February 2009 to January 2016 as head of works. Since February 2016 he is an associate professor in the department of Applied Chemistry and Engineering of Organic and Natural Compounds (CAICON), Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering. The fields of scientific research approached in time are located in the sphere of chemical engineering and environmental engineering, the research directions approached being: modeling, simulation and management of industrial processes; modeling and simulation of control and remediation processes of environmental components; modeling, simulation and optimization of processes for obtaining and converting renewable energies; chemical engineering applications with various programming languages. Between 2012 and 2020 he was vice-dean of the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering and from March 2020 until now he is vice-rector of the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, responsible for the education process, student issues and quality assurance.


The role Elena Ciocan is leading a BTS OAM global development unit (over 1500 people in 5 countries) that designs and develops operations and management level functionalities for all Nokia Macro and BTS Cloud solutions. The unit consists of experts in Research and Development, specializing in architecture and specifications, development of reusable OAM applications for Macro and Cloud platforms, development of web-based user interface, development of ONAP open source and testing of all these elements.

He graduated from the West University of Timișoara, specializing in Computer Science, in 2000. In the same year he married and got a job at the company he still works for.

In less than 1 year he became a team leader and since then he has held various management positions. She has two teenage children and manages to combine career and family life.

Delia Golcea is one of the creators of the IT&C industry in post-communist Romania. Since 1996, he has created and led several IT&C Research Centers, within the Alcatel-Lucent and Canon-Oce groups, having in collective coordination hundreds of engineers, budgets of tens of millions of euros and participating in the realization of important international projects. of R&D in mobile and fixed telecommunications, software applications and professional digital printing. He was the Coordinator of IT Support operations for Southeast Europe within Alcatel-Lucent (12 countries) and IT Director of Alcatel-Lucent Romania between 2003-2010, where he created the first Data Center in western Romania, certified in 2004.

During 2010-2014 he was CEO and General Manager of the Canon group's Oce Software Romania company, specialized in software R&D for digital printing. He was Vice President (VP) of the R&D organization of the Oce Technologies company from the Canon group, in the Netherlands, leading a software research-development center of over 250 specialists in professional digital software and printing between 2014-2015.

Between 2012-2015 he was coordinator of the Commission for Research, Development and Innovation of the IT&C Cluster in the Western Region, of which he is a founding member since 2011. He was for 14 years Coordinator of the Relations with Universities at Alcatel-Lucent and then at O What.

 He has published several introductory books on operating systems and languages. (Unix, Pascal, MS-DOS). Starting with 2017, it carries out its activity in the field of High-Tech mentoring, innovation support and business development, being Angel Investor for start-ups in the IT area.

She is a member of the IEEE, is part of several groups, including "Women in Engineering".

Ioana-Cristina Benea she is a PhD student in the field of chemical engineering and currently holds the position of research assistant in the biocatalysis department of the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Timișoara. She says she discovered her desire to do research during her college years, under the guidance of a wonderful community, which has always supported her and inspired her to do more. During this time he had the opportunity to participate in Erasmus study mobility at the Technical University of Vienna and in research internship mobility in Budapest at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The passion for research materialized as a result of these experiences, but also due to the innovative nature and a permanent continuity of this field.

Laura Chirilă she is an 11th grade student at the “Carmen Sylva” National Pedagogical College in Timișoara. She has been passionate about STEM fields since the fifth grade, when she started learning programming. In 2016, he joined the CoderDojo community, where he had the chance to deepen his knowledge by carrying out award-winning projects both nationally and internationally. The most important of its results are the awards obtained at the Coolest Projects Awards International in 2016, 2017 and 2019, participation in the Launchpad Global Grand Final Edinburgh in 2018 and qualifying for the final of the international Zero Robotics Highschool Tournament 2018 organized by MIT in collaboration with NASA and ESA.
Currently, Laura is the leader of the programming department within the CSH robotics team and is working on the development of software solutions based on Artificial Intelligence together with the Sapphire Group Romania team.
If you want to know more about Laura, visit her website
personal: https://laurachirila.com

Denisa Lepădatu she is a 12th grade student at the “Vasile Alecsandri” National College in Galați, intensive mathematics-informatics profile. Denisa is the author of eight books of poetry and short prose, editor of numerous literary magazines in the country and abroad, including on the Editorial Board of Immortalists Magazine based in New York, to which she contributes articles on AI and transhumanism. Interested in delving into the mysteries of artificial intelligence, deep learning and their applications in genetics and transhumanism (especially for discovering the biomarkers of aging and how associated diseases can be prevented and eradicated), she takes part in the Longevity Medicine course. ”Held by experts in the field. He took part in the “Alice envisions the future” hackathon organized by Microsoft, the “Healthy Longevity” webinar organized by the National University of Singapore, but also in the “Aging research and drug discovery” conferences in September 2020, “Smart Cities need Upgraded Humans ”And“ Smart cities, freedom and the European Social Credit System ”from 2020.

Cristina Cordun is a Pre-Master's student in Astronomy at Leiden University, the Netherlands. She has been passionate about STEM since she started studying physics in 6th grade. Since then, he has participated in physics, astronomy and computer science Olympics, but also in other competitions, such as Zero Robotics. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Bucharest, in these three years having internships in various places (such as The World Bank, USA or Join Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia). After graduating, he decided to pursue his passion and went to the Netherlands to study Astronomy at one of the best faculties in this field.