#impreunaonline webinar: Reopening schools and challenges in pre-university education for the second semester
#onlinetogether #impreunaonline
In these times of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, just like in other countries, face-to-face educational functions and activities are being moved online, using apps, platforms and various tools for distance education.
In the Online together webinars , we respond to these challenges, in the most practical way possible, in the spirit of open education and free access to knowledge. Participants received an Open Badge (Open digital certificate) - Online together.
After more than four months in which the educational activities in pre-university education were transferred 100% online, some of the students in Romania returned to school in the last week, in pandemic conditions. The current context has determined the educational actors and implicitly the authorities involved, to rethink their scenarios and focus on adapting to the new situation, the safe physical presence of students at school being currently the most urgent priority.. In this context, within the edition no. XXII from the series of webinars Together Online, the presenters came to the aid of parents and teachers with clarifications, answers and a series of information that must be clarified for each educational institution in the country.
What are the current operating scenarios? (The 5 situations in which teachers and students stay online)
How is the transition from one scenario to another?
How can we reduce the risk of infection at school and at home?
What is the role and responsibility of the family?
Why is it necessary to sign the rapid test agreement?
These are just some of the questions that the representatives asked Timiș County School Inspectorate, together with yours Timiș Public Health Directorate, but also actors involved in the field education and of health provided answers in an informative and interactive session with hundreds of people present, addressed to both parents (whether they have children in preschool or primary school), as well as teachers from urban and rural areas.
Online Together webinars are organized in collaboration with IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association and the Politehnica University of Timișoara, every week with guests from other universities and schools in Romania.

Watch the event recording below: