Ș.l. Vlad Mihăescu was elected president of EDEN NAP
IEEE EDEN (European Distance and e-Learning Network) announced in June the new chair of the EDEN NAP Committee - the network of eLearning academics. Lecturer Vlad Mihăescu, the president of the management structure of the Association was elected by unanimous vote. He becomes the second member elected in the management structures of the Association from the team of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center - Politehnica University of Timișoara.
The position has been confirmed since June 2020, for a period of three years. Every three years, new members are elected to the association to encourage EDEN - NAP activities.
Vlad Mihăescu has a PhD in educational and technological models of MOOCs and has more than 10 years’ experience as a trainer and teacher in areas like multimedia technologies, social media, e-tourism, e-learning, usability, programming, soft skills and leadership. Author of over 25 scientific papers and book chapters published in international conferences and journals, Vlad is involved in several European research projects in the field of eLearning. He is also a lecturer for UPT.
About EDEN
The European Distance and E-Learning Network EDEN (European Distance and e-Learning Network) exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond.
With more than 180 institutional members and over 1100 members in the Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP), EDEN assists a wide range of institutions, networks and individuals to become involved in professional information and networking activities.