Webinar #onlinetogether - TUCN’s eCAMPUS and the #StayHome challenge: insights and perspectives
On Wednesday, May 6, 2020, the webinar #impreunaonline - eCAMPUS UTCN and the challenge #StamAcasa took place: experience and perspectives. Participation was free, and CeL issued Open Badges. Find out more here!
Webinar #onlinetogether: Use of OERs, MOOCs in Education
On Wednesday, April 29, 2020, the #impreunaonline webinar took place: Using OERs, MOOCs in Education!
Participation was free, and CeL issued Open Badges. Find out more here!
Webinar #onlinetogether: Perception of teachers and students regarding online education: opportunities and challenges
On Wednesday, April 22, 2020, the webinar #onlinetogether: Perception of teachers and students regarding online education: opportunities and challenges took place. Participation was free, and CeL issued Open Badges. Find out more details here!
Webinar #onlinetogether: From in Campus Education to Online Education
On April 15, 2020, the #onlinetogether webinar: From on-site education to online education was held by CeL, and the participants received Open Badges. Find out more details here!
ABC2VLE - guide
ABCtoVLE diagram Use of educational resources Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara Erasmus + ABCtoVLE Project Licensing and award - 2019 and 2020, Version 2. Partly uses educational methods from the Erasmus + Project ABCtoVLE ABC to VLE Learning Design Project. All material can be used free of charge with a creative commons license by assignment. This Guide is made by the Polytechnic University of Timisoara […]
Zoom meeting instead Eskisehir!
On 3 April 2020, the MODE IT team should have been present in Eskisehir, Turkey, for the second meeting of the transnational project. Due to the Corona crisis, we switched to an online meeting held on the Zoom platform.
EDEN webinar #covid19: When education moves home: implications for students, academics, administrators, and education leaders
The differences between emergency distance learning and online learning will be discussed. How can high-quality education be facilitated, promoted and offered despite many challenges? How can academics and learners be protected, supported and recognized?