The 10th edition of the OEW International Workshop
The 10th edition of the OEW International Workshop, anniversary edition is organized by the Politehnica University of Timișoara, through the ID/IFR and e-Learning Center with the support of the EDEN Europe and IEEE Romania associations, within the Open Education Week 2023 (Open Education Week 2023) , in hall K2, the Conference Center of the Timișoara Polytechnic University (Vasile Pârvan Boulevard, no. 2 B, next to the UPT Central Library) and online.
International Workshop Digital Transformation, edition 1 - Experiences in digital education
Speakers at the international level demonstrated in a two-hour interactive session - innovative experiences in digital education and how it can stimulate innovation and the impact that transforming communities can have on education, science and technology. Find out more here!
International Communities Workshop for the Development of Open Education
Numerous international speakers demonstrated in an interactive session through practical examples how digital and open education can stimulate innovation and the impact that transforming communities can have on education, science and technology. Find out more here!