ID/IFR ADMISSION 2023 – JULY session
Admission 2023 for distance and part-time education courses at the Politehnica University of Timișoara. Find out all the information you need here.
Smart Diaspora 2023. Diaspora in higher education, science, innovation and entrepreneurship. Digitization of education through AR/VR/XR and Blockchain technologies
The conference "Smart diaspora 2023 - diaspora in higher education, science, innovation and entrepreneurship. The Diaspora and its friends" aims to create a space of dialogue and collaboration between Romanian researchers, regardless of where they live and work, continuing the series of meetings of the Romanian scientific community at home and abroad that began in 2008. Smart Diaspora 2023 is organized Between 10 and April 13, 2023, in Timișoara, under the High Patronage of the President of Romania and the aegis of the Government of Romania, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, by the Timișoara University Alliance (ATU), UEFISCDI in partnership with the Romanian Academy.
2023 ID/IFR Licensing Exam
Dear future graduates, if you are in the last year of your studies and preparing for the licensure exam, this message is addressed to you.
The 10th edition of the OEW International Workshop
The 10th edition of the OEW International Workshop, anniversary edition is organized by the Politehnica University of Timișoara, through the ID/IFR and e-Learning Center with the support of the EDEN Europe and IEEE Romania associations, within the Open Education Week 2023 (Open Education Week 2023) , in hall K2, the Conference Center of the Timișoara Polytechnic University (Vasile Pârvan Boulevard, no. 2 B, next to the UPT Central Library) and online.
Digital Culture & Heritage Talks, XR Show, with NFT launch
The Politehnica University of Timișoara together with the National Museum of Banat and Timișoara 2023 organizes a whole weekend of events dedicated to the official opening of the cultural program Timișoara European Capital of Culture 2023.
Find out more here!
The Elisabetin neighborhood in different stages of the past, under the Timisoara spotlight
The third dance show, which took place on October 21 at Cinema Victoria Timișoara, brought under the spotlight the image of the Elisabetin neighborhood in different stages of the past, with three female characters at its center: Netti - Timișoara between the wars, Carla - Timișoara in the years communism and post-December Pia – Timișoara. We come back with some […]
The Citadel district. A world in the mirror - The last dance show, using digital technology and elements of augmented reality from the year 2022
The Serbian Orthodox Vicarage hosted on October 31, from 19.00, the dance show "Cartierul Cetate - O lume în oglindă", the last show in the series of four, which the cultural project entitled "Spotlighting Timisoara's Heritage through Dance" and proposed. The character whose story was conveyed in dance steps was, once again, [...]