Graduation Promotion 2011
The Distance Education Center invites you to participate in the Graduation Ceremony of the faculty for the 2011 promotions of: Faculty of Automation and Computers - Applied Informatics specialization at the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications - Telecommunications Technologies and Systems specialization Saturday, June 18, 2011, 9.30, hall A101, Electro building. Program: 9.30 - Gaudeamus Igitur […]
ESTART meeting in Timisoara
Within the eSTART project, the Multi-regional Master studies program in the field of eActivities (POSDRU / 86 / 1.2 / S / 54956) took place in Timisoara on July 15, 2011 the meeting between the partners to finalize the piloting of the eSTART master program.
Graduation Ceremony promotion 2011
The Distance Learning Center invites you to participate in the Graduation Ceremony of the faculty for the 2011 promotions of: Faculty of Automation and Computers - specialization Informatics Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications - specialization Technologies and Telecommunication Systems Saturday, June 18, 2011, 9.30, room A101 , Electro building. Program: 9.30 - Gaudeamus Igitur 9.40 […]
DidaTec working visit to England
Within the project “University school for initial and continuous training of teaching staff and trainers in the field of technical and engineering specializations - DidaTec”, POSDRU / 87 / 1.3 / S / 60981 between 18 and 22 May 2011 a group of 15 teachers of at 10 universities in Romania carried out a working visit to England: London & Milton […]
ESTART meeting in Cluj
Within the eSTART project, the Multi-regional Master's Program in eActivities (POSDRU / 86 / 1.2 / S / 54956) took place in Cluj on May 5, 2011 the meeting between the partners to finalize the curriculum of the eSTART master's program.
Launch of the EU I2AGORA project
Between April 19-20, 2011 Diana Andone participated in Leuven, Belgium at the launch of the EU LLL International Internship Agora - I2AGORA project in which CID is a partner. During the meeting, CID presented the concept of Internship 2.0.
Meeting 2 EU LLL CBVI
Between April 4-5, 2011 Marian Bucos participated in Wuppertal, Germany at the 2nd project of the EU LLL Cross Border Virtual Incubator CBVI in which CID is a partner. During this meeting, the first online courses in the field of university involvement with enterprises were analyzed.
Meeting 2 EU LLL SKILL2E
Between March 31 and April 3, 2011 Delia Tanase and Tatiana Ternaucicu participated in Alicante, Spain at the 2nd meeting of the EU LLL SKILL2E project in which CID is a partner. During this meeting, a training session as a cultural mentor took place.