SKILL2E presentation at EDEN 2012
UPT's involvement in the SKILL2E project was presented by Dr. Diana Andone at the EDEN 2012 Annual Open Learning Generations conference, June 6-9, 2012, Porto, Portugal, in a demo-workshop (attended by 48 people) and in during the presentation “Digital students - IS there a Gap?”. The ideas of the project aroused interest especially for […]
Meeting with city hall representatives
On May 2, a meeting took place between the representatives of UPT and representatives of the mayor's office and the Timișoara local council for a more detailed presentation of the Tafcity project. The existing projects and facilities for the elderly, the possibilities of involving the local administration in the project and the common points of interest between the project agendas and the […]
Project meeting in Budapest
Between May 14-15, part of the UPT team responsible for the TAFCITY project, respectively Diana Andone and Vlad Mihăescu, took part in the second meeting for TAFCITY, in Budapest. The partners' representatives mainly discussed project management topics and what the educational structure of the Tafcity course will look like, on the ViCaDiS platform, administered […]
Clinical Employability - I2AGORA
I2AGORA Employability Clinique main objective is to appraise and present the student - university - enterprise link based on a 3 × 3 dimensional approach - a “magic” cube of a Virtual Internship Programs. The event is organized by “Politehnica” University of Timisoara as part of the i2AGORA EU LifeLongLearning project with direct contributions from Miskolc University, […]
DidaTec training program
“DidaTec” training program in blended-learning, modern educational technologies and the use of ICT in the teaching process The “DidaTec” training program in blended-learning, modern educational technologies and the use of ICT in the teaching process aims at training existing teachers at universities and technical faculties in Romania. The duration of the training program is 9 months, […]
SKILL2E Day for students
SKILL2E Day for students International technical placements Saturday / Saturday 17.03.2012 10:00 - 12:00 Council Hall, ground floor, ELECTRO building, Bul. Vasile Parvan No 2 Timisoara Interactive workshop with an insight on Intercultural communication and cultural dimensions helping students increase the benefits and the effectiveness of the international technical placement and international student mobility Organized by […]
The e-Learning Center of the “Politehnica” University of Timişoara organizes, under the auspices of the international project EU LLL Sustainable Know-How in Intercultural Learning in Student Placements and the Knowledge Transfer to Enterprises (SKILL2E, .at /, meeting workshop / working lunch SKILL2E Day International technical placements (What are ITPs? How can companies get involved?) Cultural mentoring and intercultural competence / awareness using […]
Disseminating information on SKILL2E project
Disseminating information on SKILL2E project - Article in the February issue of the student paper ACces