UPT at the workshop: The experience regarding online education at university level in Romania Challenges and future perspectives
UPT, through Assoc. Prof. Florin Dragan and Dr. Diana Andone participated in the Online Debate for the Improvement of the Romanian Education System: Future challenges and perspectives "
ID / IFR graduation ceremony - PROMOTION 2020 - Online
They sang "Gaudeamus", relived memories from their student years and said goodbye to colleagues and teachers. Dozens of graduates participated in the ID / IFR Graduation Ceremony - 2020 promotion - ONLINE. Watch the recording of the event!
Registration open for the ABC LD #2 webinar - Designing online learning
If you are thinking of an effective and interactive method of designing online learning, we invite you to register for the ABC LD #2 webinar. During the webinar, the experts will share their own experiences of conducting ABC live online workshops. We are waiting for you online!
Open VM: Virtual mobility webinar for European universities and university alliances
The virtual mobility webinar for European universities and university alliances took place between 18-19 June 2020 - the last “multiplier” event within the Open Virtual Mobility project, the webinar being focused on quality and sustainability and integrated in Result 7.
Ș.l. Vlad Mihăescu was elected president of EDEN NAP
The EDEN (European Distance and e-Learning Network) Association announced in June the new chair of the EDEN - NAP Committee for academics and professionals. Lecturer Vlad Mihăescu, was elected by unanimous vote the president of the management structure of the Association. He becomes the second member elected in the management structures of the Association from the team of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center - Politehnica University of Timișoara.
EDEN 2020 - how was the first virtual conference dedicated to digital education and artificial intelligence
278 participants from 40 countries on 4 continents, over three days with over 90 published academic papers, interactive workshops, keynote speakers with state-of-the-art presentations. Find out what happened at EDEN 2020 and watch the plenary sessions!
MODE IT project - presented at the Annual Conference # EDEN2020
The MODE IT project was presented at the Annual Conference #EDEN2020 during the SYNERGY online session where research projects are promoted.