The TraCCE project - one of the attractions of the Flight Festival 2021
Also at the UPT stand, those interested could learn about the AugmentedWearEdu project in which UPT is a partner and through which augmented reality applications are developed, virtual reality and haptic (sensory) feedback, which would allow students to participate in university laboratories, either remotely or in e-learning system - applications whose utility can be even more valuable in conditions of social distancing during the pandemic.
CeL team at Flight Festival - Tech World: AR glasses, VR, holograms, magic cubes, laboratories with sensory feedback and the latest high-tech gadgets
The CeL team presented to the over a thousand participants projects such as Spotlight Heritage Timișoara, DigitalCulture, Tracce or ModeIT.
RESULTS Admission ID / IFR - September Session:
ADMISSION ID / IFR results SEPTEMBER session. See if you have been admitted and follow the steps to confirm your place!
Over 500 participants physically and virtually at the IAFeS NETTIES International Conference & DigiCulture Erasmus + Closing Workshop
UPT, through the e-Learning Center and the Multimedia Center together with IAFeS and the Triade Foundation organized, between July 22-23, 2021, the IAFeS NETTIES International Conference & Workshop to conclude DigiCulture Erasmus +.
#impreunaonline webinar: DigiCulture Project and Courses
The #30 edition of the Together Online webinar series focused on the DigiCulture Erasmus + team, which presented the 13 DigiCulture courses, as well as the open digital certificates awarded after completing them. Find out more here!
ADMISSION ID / IFR 2021 results - JULY session
See here the results of the ID / IFR 2021 ADMISSION contest - JULY session.
Spotlight Heritage Timisoara exhibitions and applications dedicated to the Fabric neighborhood, launched with hundreds of participants, physically and online
The event took place for the first time in hybrid format, both at the Attic of the Maria Theresia Bastion and LIVE, on the Zoom, Facebook and YouTube platforms, with live interventions from the emblematic points in the Fabric neighborhood.
ID / IFR graduation ceremony - PROMOTION 2021 in HYBRID format: live emotions from the Auditorium and online, from all over the world
Emotions and special moments both in the Auditorium and online on Saturday, June 26 at the Graduation Ceremony of distance and part-time students - promotion 2021 - event organized for the first time in hybrid format and broadcast live on the Facebook and YouTube channels of the Center of e-Learning.