CeL 20 Alumni Party
20th anniversary of the establishment of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center - CeL
20th anniversary of the establishment of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center - CeL
Organized as part of Open Education Week 2019, the workshop will highlight the impact of openness in the Digital Age from policies to individuals, teachers and students.
The presentation of success stories in the field of digital marketing and virtual museums but also of cultural heritage, including Europeana will be the points of interest of this workshop.
An effective and engaging workshop, in which, using a game format, the teams create a visual "storyboard" that highlights the type and sequence of learning activities.
The OpenVM Workshop with the theme Virtual Mobility Service and Advanced Learning Technologies was organized part of the International Conference on eLearning in Central and Eastern Europe, 5-6 October 2018, Timisoara. The OpenVM Workshop role was to inform amongst education, higher education and adult training professionals the purpose and objectives of the Open Virtual Mobility project (openVM), which is an Erasmus + strategic partnership (2017-2020) addressing […]
The Polytechnic University of Timișoara through the ID / IFR and E-Learning Center invites you to participate in the Open Education Workshop - the impact of openness: institutions, resources, tools, teachers, subjects, located at the 5th edition, Friday, March 9, 2018, between 9 am : 30- 14:00.
What are the educational resources open to OER and the massive open online MOOCs? How can they be accessed, used and integrated in university education? Practical examples of the use and integration of OER and MOOC in university and pre-university education with case studies at European level, in the USA, Ireland and Romania.
What are the educational resources open to OER and the massive open online MOOCs? How can they be accessed, used and integrated in university education?