Digital Skills for Education & Innovation Workshop Workshop Digital skills for education and innovation

The Politehnica University of Timișoara, through the ID/IFR and e-Learning Center and the Multimedia Center, together with the Alliance of European Universities E³UDRES² and the Research and Innovation Project for Smart and Sustainable European Regions EINS, organizes Friday, December 9, 2022, between 1:00 p.m. - 18:00, the seventh edition of the workshop Digital Skills and

The Politehnica University of Timișoara, through the ID/IFR and e-Learning Center and Multimedia Center, together with the European University Alliance E³UDRES² and Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions EINS, organizes Friday, December 9, 2022, between 1 p.m. - 6 p.m., the seventh edition of the Digital Skills and Competences International Workshop with the theme Digital Skills for Education & Innovation / Digital Skills for Education & Innovation Workshop.

The event will take place physically in Timișoara, in the K1 Amphitheater, UPT Conference Center, Blvd. Vasile Pârvan, No. 2 B, but also online, and is addressed to actors in the field of education, innovation and creative industries.

In this edition, national and international specialists, entrepreneurial students and company experts will present and debate topical issues, and will demonstrate through practical examples, the impact that digital skills can have in education and how the digital skills can stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship . 

Participation is free and you can register online here:

Agenda Digi Skills Workshop 2022

EET Time



The Politehnica University of Timișoara

Welcome and introduction

13:10-13:30 Radu Vasiu, President of the Senate, Politehnica University Timișoara, Romania

University actions for a smart and innovative region/University actions for a smart and innovative region


Ilona Buchem, Professor for Communication & Media Sciences, Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany – ONLINE

Designing learning experiences with social robots in international student teams. Perspectives and results from a virtual experience exchange program/Designing learning experiences with social robots in international student teams. Insights and results from a virtual exchange program


Dr. Raquel Barreira, Polytechnical Institute of Setubal, Portugal – ONLINE

The Impact of the Ent-re-no-va-tors project in our universities/The Impact of the Ent-re-no-va-tors project in our Universities


Thomas Jorgensen, Director of Policy Coordination and Foresight, European Universities Association – ONLINE

Institutional transformation in a changing legal context – are universities frontrunners or rule-takers?/Institutional transformation in a changing legal context – are universities frontrunners or rule-takers?


Asst. Prof. Dr. Sjoerd de Vries, University of Twente, Netherlands, EIT HEI Prometheus – ONLINE

The Role of Universities in strengthening Regional Innovation Ecosystems/ The Role of Universities in strengthening Regional Innovation Ecosystems

15:05- 15:25

Dr. Eng. Diana Andone, Director of the ID/IFR and e-Learning Center, Politehnica University of Timișoara

Actions for Universities' Digital Transformation


Prof.dr.eng. Carmen Holotescu, Ioan Slavici University Timisoara, Romania 

Mini MOOCs on, about Blockchain and European Blockchain Services Infrastructure/miniMOOCs on, about Blockchain and European Blockchain Services Infrastructure


Dr. Eng. Victor Holotescu, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania

Use cases in issuing Verifiable Credentials on EBSI by Politehnica University of Timisoara/Use cases in issuing Verifiable Credentials on EBSI by Politehnica University of Timisoara


Associate Dr. Eng. Silviu Vert, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania, Dr. Eng. Marius-Cosmin Tătaru, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania, Eng. Ilie-Silviu Berzescu, master's student, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania, Dr. Sorina Zorita Gavriliuc-Voina and Dr. Eng. Radu-Dorian Stamatoiu, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania, Drd. Eliana Maria Torre, Università di Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, Giulia Innocentini and Maria Tolaini, master students at the Università di Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, Peter Guld Leth, Mikkel Sang Mee Baunsgaard and Oscar Bill Zhou, master students, Aalborg University, Denmark

VR&AR&MR in the Spotlight Heritage project/VR&AR&MR In Spotlight Heritage


I would. university Dr. Pop Valentine, specialist doctor, Victor Babeș University of Medicine and Pharmacy

VR in medical applications/VR in medical applications


Prof. Dr. Gabriela Grosseck, Western University of Timișoara, Romania – ONLINE

Innovative digital tools for education


Olariu Ioan-Robert, student at the Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania, founder of Blume Technologies

Innovation at Blume Technologies/Innovation at Blume Technologies


Dr. Eng. Valentin Nice, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania

Student entrepreneurship – Innohub UPT/ Student entrepreneurship – Innohub UPT


Dr. Mihai Lisețchi, Western University of Timișoara, Romania, Prof. emeritus. dr. Nicolae Bibu, Western University of Timișoara, Romania and Dr. eng. Vlad Mihăescu, Director of the Center for Innovation and Technological Transfer, Politehnica University Timișoara, Romania

Social Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries/Social Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries


Christian Pogan, graduate of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania, co-founder of PolyMore – ONLINE

Innovation within PolyMore/ Innovation at PolyMore

18:20 – 18:40

 Dr. eng. Vlad Mihăescu, Director of the Center for Innovation and Technological Transfer, Politehnica University Timișoara, Romania

Innovation in the Politehnica University of Timișoara/Innovation in the Politehnica University of Timișoara


Closing remarks

The presentations will be held in Romanian and English, and participants will receive Digital Skills for Education & Innovation Participant Open Badges online and, in addition, Certificates of Participation for physical participants, in the hall.


Bl. Vasile Parvan, no. 2 B, Floor IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300



The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication and Public Relations in distance education under license cycle and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of license cycle.