SMART 2014
ID / IFR and e-learning center of Politehnica University of Timisoara together with West University invites you to the opening Of the International Conference “SMART 2014 - Social Media in the Academy: Research and Teaching” Friday September 19, 2014 9:00 am in the A01 Amphitheater of the West University of Timișoara.
After a successful first edition held last year in Bacau, the International Conference "SMART 2014 - Social Media in the Academy: Research and Teaching" takes place between September 18-21 in Timisoara, organized by EduSoft Bacau, West University and Polytechnic University of Timisoara.
Social Media is a priority topic at European and global level, of increased interest in academia, closely related to open educational resources and pedagogies, massive open online courses MOOCs or mobile learning (e-learning and m-learning).
Guest presentations from prestigious universities in Europe, articles by professors, researchers and PhD students, round tables and book launches address issues related to the impact of Social Media in education, through new pedagogies, educational technologies, ways of collaboration and research, but also in other areas such as politics or business.
The conference program is published on the website http://smart2014.edusoft.ro , the debates can be watched in the amphitheaters of the two universities or on social networks, using the tag #smart2014tm.