ID/IFR Graduation Ceremony – Class of 2024

ID/IFR Graduation Ceremony – Class of 2024

Graduates of ID (distance learning) and IFR (part-time learning) courses gathered for one last festive occasion – Graduation Ceremony of the 2024 promotion. The event took place in a hybrid format, both in the Auditorium and online, via Zoom, and was also broadcast live on Facebook. Organized by the Department of ID/IFR and Digital Education of Politehnica Timișoara University, the festive course brought together both graduates and teaching staff from all four ID/IFR specializations.

Moments full of emotions both for the graduates of the 2024 promotion of ID/IFR courses, as well as for the teachers who have guided them in recent years. Saturday, June 29, students from majors Telecommunication Systems and Technologies (the faculty of ETCTI), Informatics (Faculty of Computer Science), Communication and Public Relations (Faculty of Communication Sciences) and Machine Construction Technologies (Faculty of Mechanics) met in the Auditorium hall of the UPT Central Library, for the last time in an official setting at the Graduation Ceremony of the ID/IFR undergraduate courses.

The same emotions were also shared online, through the Zoom platform, by the graduates and teachers who could not make it to the hall.

Members and supporters who did not make it to the hall had the opportunity to watch the Ceremony online, as it was broadcast Live on DeL official Facebook page.

The ceremony began with the singing of the traditional "Gaudeamus", followed by the anthem of the Politehnica Timișoara University and the welcome speech was given by the director of DeL - Dr. Eng. Diana Andone. Prof. Dr. Eng. Florin Dragan, rector of the Timișoara Polytechnic University, and also a teacher for some ID students, took the floor, congratulating and guiding the graduates.

ID Telecommunications Technologies and Systems – Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies

On behalf of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, Prof. Univ. Dr. Eng. Radu Vasiu – academic responsible for TST ID and Associate Dr. Eng. Mugur Mocofan, the vice dean of the faculty. Students from the ID Telecommunication Technologies and Systems specialization were represented by Oana Sârbu.

Informatics ID - Faculty of Automation and Computers

On behalf of the Faculty of Automation and Computers, Prof. Dr. Eng. Răzvan Bogdan – the vice-dean of the faculty and the academic responsible for ID Prof. Dr. Eng. Lăcrămioara Stoicu-Tivadar. The students from the ID Informatics specialization were represented by the head of year, Florentina Solomon.

Communication and Public Relations ID – Faculty of Communication Sciences

On behalf of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Vice-Dean Lect spoke. Univ. Dr. Simon Simon and the academic responsible for the ID Communication and Public Relations specialization – university associate. Dr. Gabriel-Mugurel Dragomir. Nicolae Ogîrcin addressed the audience on behalf of the graduates.

Machine Construction Technology IFR – Faculty of Mechanics

The Faculty of Mechanics was represented by the dean Prof.univ.dr. Eng. Ion-Dragoș Uțu and s.l.dr. Eng. Adrian Dume – academic responsible for the specialization Machine Construction Technology. Mihaela Malamut delivered the speech on behalf of the graduates from the TCM – IFR specialization.

The graduates of the four ID/IFR specializations were then called on stage to receive the diplomas awarded by the Department of ID/IFR and Digital Education. They have a commemorative value and were handed out by the academic leaders of each specialization.

Then followed the climax of the event – the throwing of the heels in the air by the graduates of the four specializations in the ID/IFR regime, followed by the official group photo for the class of 2024. The graduates, together with their family and friends, the teaching staff and the DeL team collided a glass of champagne and reminisced about emotional memories from their years of study during a cocktail party in the lobby in front of the Auditorium.