Webinar launching the guide with Recommendations of good practice on the operation of schools in the context of COVID -19

Webinar launching the guide with Recommendations of good practice on the operation of schools in the context of COVID -19

Over 500 teachers from pre-university education, as well as school principals from Timiș and parents participated, on Wednesday, September 2 at the webinarRecommendations of good practice regarding the operation of schools under the conditions imposed by COVID-19. Guide presentation, organized by GLE of the AntiCovidTM Platform in collaboration with the Timiș County School Inspectorate, the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center of UPT and TVR Timișoara. The webinar was the first in a series of events dedicated to the support of teachers in Timiș for the collective realization of action plans in pre-university education in the context of the pandemic.

What are the measures that a school can take in the context of the Covid pandemic19 for a better course? How do we prepare the school for each of the scenarios? These are just some of the questions the guide asks "Recommendations of good practice regarding the beginning and development of the 2020/2021 school year under the conditions imposed by COVID-19" developed by the Working Group for Education of the AntiCovidTM Platform - set up at the initiative of the Timiș County School Inspectorate in collaboration with the AntiCovidTM Platform - can provide answers. The public launch of the guide took place Wednesday, September 2 in a webinar organized in collaboration with ID / IFR and e-Learning Center of the Polytechnic University of Timișoara with the TVR Timisoara.

The webinar took place on Zoom and was broadcast live on the Facebook pages of the organizers gathering over 500 participants, among which were teachers and principals of schools in Timiș, but also parents of middle and high school students, who launched dozens of questions related to ensuring the quality of education in the new school year, but also the safety of students and teachers.

Watch the webinar recording below:

The webinar was given by dr. Mihai Lisețchi - AntiCovidTM platform, Marin Popescu - general school inspector IȘJ Timiș, Dr. Diana Andone - director of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Cătălin Șipoș, Yellow Minda and Cristina Băcanu - Working Group on Education. The moderator of the webinar was Ramona Borosovici - TVR Timisoara.

The guide proposes a customized “table of contents” for each type of scenario, based on which each action plan will be elaborated and the version launched during the webinar represents a first version of the guide. The text will be updated according to the comments received from those interested and as, over time, an institutional experience will be developed related to the operation of schools in pandemic conditions. In this regard, comments are welcome whether it is about the clarity of the text, the relevance of some recommendations or aspects that should still be taken into account! These can be added, directly on the guide text, to https: //anticovidtm.ro/webinarii-de-aplicare-a-ghidului-recomandari-de-buna-practica/

The initiative took place in the context in which the Ministry of Education is considering three alternative strategic scenarios: green scenario: all students at the school (S) in accordance with the relevant prudential rules, yellow script: part at school, part online (hybrid educational processes - H), and the red script: online school (O), so with all students at home. Against the background of the tendency to decentralize the decision regarding the transition from one scenario to another, depending on the position of the ministry, the decision rests with the local public authorities or each school.

Regardless of the level at which the decision is taken, the triggers for the transition from one scenario to another and their values at which the change of scenarios is triggered are defined by the local public authorities, each school will implement its own action plan, related scenario.

It is important that schools are prepared in advance for the transition from one scenario to another. In this regard, each school should have 3 action plans, one for each school operation scenario under the COVID-19 pandemic. The plans must be developed according to the specific conditions of each school (available spaces, number of students, types of processes that take place in the school, etc.). The guide also contains possible solutions for the issues to be taken into account when drawing up action plans. 

The next webinar for general information and discussion of the Guide of recommendations but also for information on action plans will be Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.