![Building Together #3 - EBSI4RO Education Innovation: Connecting Romania through Blockchain Building Together #3 - EBSI4RO Education Innovation: Connecting Romania through Blockchain](https://elearning.upt.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/CI_3_Post-100-1.jpg)
Shaping Together #3 - EBSI4RO Education Innovation: Connecting Romania through Blockchain
#shapingtogether #developingtogether
Life and education in pandemic continue and after almost two years we have gained experience, provided numerous research and analysis, we reflected on the steps taken in 30 webinars Online Together. We know what we could have done better, we have ideas on how to do better, how to set education for the digital age, what we would like to learn from science and technology and now it is time to act.
In this new series of webinars Together, our aim is to provide information, ideas, analyzes, challenge you to discussions and encourage you to build a future on how to make the necessary changes, move further and shape education and science for today and tomorrow.
The blockchain is the future, and this technology is transforming society.
That is why the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership are building the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI), striving for blockchain technology bring citizenship services based on European values.
Lluís Alfons Ariño Martin - CIO Rovira i Virgili University, Spain, Convenor Diplomas Use Case, European Blockchain Partnership (EBP)
Dr. Catalin Iapa - Authority for the Digitization of Romania
Prof.dr.ing. Adrian Curaj - Director General of the Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)
Conf.dr.ing. Florin Dragan - Rector of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT)
Dr. Cosmin Cioranu - Project Coordinator EBSI4RO, Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)
Prof.dr.eng. Carmen Holotescu - EBSI4RO team, Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT)
Drd. Victor Holotescu - EBSI4RO team, Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT)
Dr. Diana Andone - Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT)
Prof.dr.ing. Radu Vasiu - EBSI4RO project coordinator, Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT)
Wednesday, 23.02.2022, the participants got acquainted with the team and the activities of the innovative European project, "EBSI4RO Connecting Romania through Blockchain" in the new webinar from the series ”We build together ", an event held in partnership with UEFISCDI and UPT, through which a system will be implemented and piloted that will issue EBSI university diplomas (registered with the UNIC-RMU Matriculation Register) and micro-credentials.
Romania will thus be one of the first member states to have such a system, guaranteeing the veracity of the graduation diplomas, but also the recognition of the completion of the short courses or of the modules carried out in blended format, fthus facilitating interoperability, mobility, flexibility in education and employment.
It should be noted that from March, UEFISCDI and UPT will run a series of 5 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), on UPT's UNICAMPUS platform, for universities, institutions and companies, for familiarization with Blockchain technology and for the development of applications on Blockchain, for public and private services, using EBSI.
The webinar and MOOCs are aimed at those in education, administration and business, who are interested in Blockchain and European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) applications.
The workshop was organized by the e-Learning Center - UPT in partnership with UEFISCDI and partners of previous workshops.
The EBSI4RO project thus strengthens the Romanian Blockchain community and supports the implementation of new services on the Blockchain, in various fields, including the digitization of the public system and ensuring a transparent and efficient interaction of citizens with the administration.
The session continued with the presentation of a tools of open education namely Open Digital Certificates. The director of the e-Learning Center, UPT, presented the evolutions of the projects within the university, the learning hub developed by the e-Learning Center team, the free courses open for virtual mobility, but especially digital credentials, using the Open Digital Certificates standard to recognize participation in existing MOOCs.
EBSI4RO project concept
Responding to the strategic priority of Blockchain technology in the European Union, two recognized research institutions, Executive Unit for Funding Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) and The Politehnica University of Timișoara (UPT) runs the "EBSI4RO: Connecting Romania through Blockchain" project, between April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2023. The project is co-financed by the European Commission, through the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, Department Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).
The project will create a sustainable ecosystem for accelerating digitization and facilitating the knowledge and adoption of Blockchain technology and the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI), by citizens, companies, institutions and administration. EBSI is a project of the European Blockchain Partnership, founded in 2018 and joined by 29 countries, including Romania.
We invite you to find out more about the EBSI4RO project and stay in touch with the team by:
- project site https://ebsi4ro.ro and the article about the activities carried out so far
- Facebook accounts https://www.facebook.com/ebsi4ro/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/ebsi4ro.
Together we will respond to the challenges of building models and structures in education and science in collaboration with IEEE Romania, EDEN Europe Association, Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities and Politehnica University of Timisoara.
Lluís Alfons Ariño Martín is an IT engineer with over 25 years of experience in IT, specializing in the higher education sector. Related to Rovira i Virgili University, his work promotes a holistic view of the business, setting the goal of adding value to the business, aligning IT with the overall strategy of the university. Having received various awards throughout his professional career, he would like to highlight the "IT Career Award" given by the ICT Sectoral Committee of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE-TIC), for the recognition that it comes from colleagues from all Spanish universities. . Related to Blockchain, Lluís collaborates with the BlockChain working group of the National Association of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE), related to the ICT Committee (CRUE-TIC), to the implementation of the BLUE network (Blockchain Spanish Universities) and is also a member of the Spanish delegation to the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) in the case of the Use Case Diploma, on behalf of CRUE, of which he is also the coordinator.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Florin Dragan is the Rector of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara. With a PhD in Automation and numerous important positions during his academic career, among the current responsibilities of Assoc. Florin Dragan is: University Representation; University Credit Officer; General coordination and operative management of the university; Wealth management Relationship with the economic environment and the public sector; Coordinating medium and long term strategic development and global and sectoral policies; Management of resources and financial policies, institutional evaluation; Scientific research, innovation, technology transfer; IT infrastructure, international relations, image and communication; Management of the Board of Directors; Coordination and control of the General Administrative Directorate; Coordination and control of the General Secretariat; Coordination and administrative control of the Legal Bureau; Coordination and control of the Public Internal Audit Department; Coordination and control of the Internal Control Department; Coordination of human resources development policies; Coordinating the development of investment policies; Coordinating the elaboration of the policies for the use of the real estate patrimony; Coordination of computerization policies; Coordination and management of sports and cultural activities of the university; Hiring and dismissing staff; Relationship with employees' trade unions and professional organizations; Educational process, student issues and quality assurance; Relationship with students' trade unions and professional organizations; Relationship with graduate associations.
Cosmin Cioranu He holds a PhD in Redundant Systems and is the Head of the IT and Infrastructure Support Service Department at UEFISCDI and the coordinator of EBSI4RO. Cosmin is curious about technology, motivated to achieve a goal, in two words "a system builder". He has mainly studied Software Development and Database Design using various programming languages from C / C ++ and java, but also enjoys scripting such as Php or bash, with various backends such as MySQL and MariaDB. Also, most of his projects were built and developed using the experience gained during his doctoral studies in redundant systems, granted by the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. In terms of experience (15+ years), he has developed and contributed to the construction of the UEFISCDI Research and Development Review and Proposal Platform, the National Register of Student Enrollment and other small but high-impact projects. Lately, you can find it by participating in Open-Source projects (GeoServer, GeoTools, walt.id, etc.), hosting the encoding of embedded devices and delving into general and specialized network services, as well as security issues.
Dr. Carmen Holotescu is a professor, dean of the Faculty of Engineering and director of the Center for Open Education and Blockchain at the "Ioan Slavici" University of Timisoara, with a doctorate in new technologies and open education. He has participated in many European projects and has rich experience in designing and implementing learning and collaborative platforms based on open pedagogies. He has written over 100 articles and chapters / books related to eLearning / Blended Learning, Social Media, Open Educational Resources (OER), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), mentioned in over 2,500 citations. He is a certified online instructor at the University of Maryland University College, USA, facilitating online courses at this university for 12 years.
Drd. Victor Holotescu is a UPT PhD student studying digital identity on decentralized networks. He has over 8 years of experience in software development. Among other things, its portfolio includes mobile applications such as TPark, AVPS, ArtEncounters applications, ArtTM, UPT Virtual Campus. She has won awards at profile competitions and participated in Erasmus internships at the University of Oulu, Finland and Mississippi State University, USA.
Prof.univ.dr.ing. Radu Vasiu he is president of the Senate of the Polytechnic University of Timișoara and the Director of the Multimedia Research Center. He is also a professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara. His recent research focuses on e-learning, multimedia, web technologies, open data and smart cities. He has published 12 books and presented over 100 papers at various international conferences. He has participated in 28 international research and cooperation projects and is part of 7 international professional associations.