Let's Build Together #10 - Technical Universities in Romania - European Universities
#shapingtogether #developingtogether
Life and education in pandemic continue and after almost two years we have gained experience, provided numerous research and analysis, we reflected on the steps taken in 30 webinars Online Together. We know what we could have done better, we have ideas on how to do better, how to set education for the digital age, what we would like to learn from science and technology and now it is time to act.
In this new series of webinars Together, our aim is to provide information, ideas, analyzes, challenge you to discussions and encourage you to build a future on how to make the necessary changes, move further and shape education and science for today and tomorrow.
The last webinar in the Build Together series was dedicated to European University alliances with the involvement of the Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities - ARUT.
Technical universities in Romania - European universities
Conf.dr.ing. Florin Dragan - Rector, Polytechnic University of Timisoara
Prof.dr.ing. Cristina Câmpian - Director, Technical University of Cluj Napoca
Prof. Dr. Eng. George Darie - Vice-rector, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Anca Mărgineanu , EU-CONEXUS activity manager - Technical University of Constructions Bucharest
Dr. Eng. Diana Andone - director of the e-Learning Center Politehnica University of Timisoara, IEEE Romania Education Activities
Rectors of institutions technical higher education from the country, but also representatives from technical universities from Timișoara, Bucharest, Cluj Napoca, staff involved in activities for European alliances, debated online, Wednesday, April 20, topics of interest of the moment.
They were presented during the webinar alliance projects Europeans with the involvement of Romanian technical universities, followed by general discussions, such as multi-campus, global innovation and promotion, promotion of education, research and innovation at regional and European level, but also specific topics for ARUT universities.

European universities are transnational alliances that will become the universities of the future, promoting European values and identity and revolutionizing the quality and competitiveness of European higher education.
To take this major step forward, the initiative provides opportunities to support various models of cooperation for European universities. With financial support from the Erasmus + and Horizon 2020 programs, they improve the quality, inclusion, digitization and attractiveness of European higher education.
These alliances of European Universities follow four key objectives equally important in a joint effort at institutional, national and European level:
- strengthening the European dimension in higher education, research and innovation, and the synergies between them;
- stimulating Europe's role and leadership in the world;
- supporting Europe's recovery and its response to the digital transition and the transition green;
- deepening the European sense of belonging based on common values.

Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities from the very beginning, it aims to be a collaboration platform for the most prestigious technical universities in the country, as well as a common voice, strong and permanently involved in optimizing education and research policies.
Therefore, this webinar also served to raise awareness of the importance of the policies initiated by ARUT on the reform of technical higher education and its adaptation to new realities.
At the same time, the strategic planning of the future universities for the Polytechnic University of Timișoara was made known, in collaboration with the partners of the European Universities projects. E³UDRES² and EIT-HEI EINS.

E³UDRES² - Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions promotes the development of small and medium-sized cities and their rural areas, transforming them into smart and sustainable regions, shaping and contributing to creating a prosperous future with a better quality of life for a thriving European society.
E³UDRES² adopts the concept of i -Living Labs for the development of "Universities of the Future", as well as for smart and sustainable regions. Living Labs are defined as user-centric, open innovation ecosystems that integrate competing research and innovation processes into a public-private-human partnership.

E³UDRES² Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions (EINS) co-idealizes new pathways for entrepreneurial universities, stimulates the development of entrepreneurship education and co-creates advanced support for innovation and business creation and enhances collaboration in the knowledge triangle, beyond the state of the art.
The webinar was broadcast live on the Zoom platform (registration required), Facebook and YouTube.
Together we will respond to the challenges of building models and structures in education and science in collaboration with IEEE Romania, EDEN Europe Association, Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities and Politehnica University of Timisoara.

Watch the full event recording below:

Florin Dragan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Florin Dragan is the Rector of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara. With a PhD in Automation and numerous important positions during his academic career, among the current responsibilities of Assoc. Florin Dragan is: University Representation; University Credit Officer; General coordination and operative management of the university; Wealth management Relationship with the economic environment and the public sector; Coordinating medium and long term strategic development and global and sectoral policies; Management of resources and financial policies, institutional evaluation; Scientific research, innovation, technology transfer; IT infrastructure, international relations, image and communication; Management of the Board of Directors; Coordination and control of the General Administrative Directorate; Coordination and control of the General Secretariat; Coordination and administrative control of the Legal Bureau; Coordination and control of the Public Internal Audit Department; Coordination and control of the Internal Control Department; Coordination of human resources development policies; Coordinating the development of investment policies; Coordinating the elaboration of the policies for the use of the real estate patrimony; Coordination of computerization policies; Coordination and management of sports and cultural activities of the university; Hiring and dismissing staff; Relationship with employees' trade unions and professional organizations; Educational process, student issues and quality assurance; Relationship with students' trade unions and professional organizations; Relationship with graduate associations.

Anca Mărgineanu
Anca Mărgineanu is an EU-CONEXUS activity manager, with 10 years of experience in the field of education and involvement in civil society (including ANOSR and Teach for Romania) and a graduate of the University of Bucharest.

Cristina Câmpian
Present in the project since its beginning as the Director of EUt+ in UTCN and the rector's representative in the consortium, faculty member of the Faculty of Construction, p𝐨𝐨𝐟.𝐝𝐫.𝐢𝐧𝐠. Cristina Mihaela Campian is also the coordinator of work package 3 - 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐸𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒 which includes five activities: 3.1 - Building European vocational bachelor's degrees 3.2 - Integrating existing master's degrees 3.3 - Apprenticeship and lifelong learning 3.4 - A common laboratory for pedagogical research and student-centered learning and 3.5 - Shared project-based learning platforms.
Dedicated entirely to this initiative, involved both in the work package and in the overall coordination of the project, she is a member of the Steering Committee responsible for implementing the objectives of the consortium.
With a PhD in Civil Engineering obtained in France, following a scholarship offered by the French Ministry of Education, the professor is the Director of the Erasmus + Bureau of UTCN, after holding the position of Vice Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering for 10 years. He has written and published several papers in the field of Structural Engineering.

Diana Andone
Dr.ing. Diana Andone is the Director of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center of the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, Romania, responsible for the planning and implementation of digital technologies, online learning technologies and the award-winning Virtual Campus of CVUPT University.
He is also a teacher at the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, Romania, in the area of multimedia, interactive and web technologies. Since 1998, he has been teaching course modules at universities in the UK, France, USA, Finland, Italy, Greece.
She holds a PhD in e-learning design for digital students from the University of Brighton, UK, has extensive experience in intensive publishing (over 17 books, 100 research papers, 11 awards for best work) and over 30 research and educational projects, mainly funded by the European Commission. She is passionate about ubiquitous access to technology and how it can be used to improve people's lives.
Dr. Andone actively promotes the use of OER, MOOC and the principles of open education, developing UniCampus.eu for digital skills training, acting in international associations (EDEN, IEEE, AACE, IADIS, IAFES), and actively supporting local start-ups ( movements such as StartUp Weekend, HackTM, hackathons, CoderDojo, Girls in Tech, Women in Tech) and STEM education.
He also works in the Board of Directors of Romanian NGOs (Foundation for You), in the Implementation Team of Timișoara European Capital of Culture 2023 and in other volunteer organizations.
Dr. Andone is an EDEN Senior Fellow, has been awarded the Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award 2021 by the IEEE Education Society, has been the EDEN Vice President for Communication and Communities (2018-2021) and is a member of the IEEE Education Society Governing Council (2021-present). ) and in IEEE Romania Section of the Department of Educational Activities (2019-present).