E³UDRES² Ent-re-innovators
E³UDRES² Ent-re-novators is committed to scientific excellence and research integrity within its key transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research and innovation networks and promotes (future) competences, skills, resources, methods, training, services and management in the field of research and innovation for collaborative research and open innovation for smart and sustainable regions.

https://www.dc4eu.eu/ https://uefiscdi.gov.ro/dc4eu Digital Credentials for Europe Objectives: The DC4EU project will focus on identifying and implementing all necessary measures to facilitate the issuance of educational credentials and professional qualifications in the Education sector, as well as the issuance of the Portable Document A1 (PDA1) and the European Health Insurance Card in the Social Security sector. The European Identity Wallet […]

Linkedin https://www.ebsi-ne.com/ EBSI-NE: Proposal for the deployment of EBSI production nodes and provision of support services to the EBSI network at the European level INTRODUCTION The EBSI Node Expansion (EBSI-NE) project is a key part of Europe's digital evolution, focusing on the expansion of the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI). This initiative aims to strengthen EBSI […]

Accelerate Future HEIs
Linkedin Politehnica University of Timișoara intensifies its digital and entrepreneurial transformation efforts through the Accelerate Future HEI project. "Entrepreneurial & Innovative Universities Acceleration Programme" (acronym Accelerate […]

Create4.0 project
General information Project type: Erasmus+ Project title: European Atelier of Crafts 4.0. – Digital Skills and Augmented Didactics applied to the European Atelier of Crafts Model (CR.E.ATE 4.0) Project number: 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033022 Period: 1.11.2021 – 31.10.2023 UPT Coordinator: Șl. Dr. Eng. Andrei Ternauciuc Coordinator: ECIPA UMBRIA SCARL (IT) Department: UPT e-Learning Center Partners: ECIPA UMBRIA SCARL […]

OpenDigCompEdu project
Open Digital Competences Training for School Educators (known as OpenDigCompEdu) is an Erasmus + strategic partnership project, which is carried out in the period 2021-2024 by a team of collaborators from all over Europe. Objectives To increase the extent of open education, open education practices, open digital resources and tools for the delivery of teaching […]

TraCCE project
Project introduction Through the TraCCE project, we want to address skills gaps and mismatches, both in formal higher education programs and in adult education, vocational education and training and informal education. This study is carried out as part of the Erasmus + TraCCE project (Training on Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship). There is limited evidence that emphasis […]