POSDRU Project (Human Resources Development Project: “Simulated enterprise for working techniques in technological companies - IS”, Project No. POSDRU / 90 / 2.1 / S / 56319
Director: Diana ANDONE
Value: 1,347,938 RON
Period: 2010-2013
Nicolae ROBU
Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (beneficiary)
Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Constantin Brancusi University of Targu-Jiu
Novensys Corporation, Bucharest
Gold Agama Consulting
Project web page: www.intreprindere-simulata.ro
The increasingly specific and complex requirements of companies in the labor market in terms of the skills of students preparing for employment have played an important role in building the Lisbon Strategy, which requires each Member State to focus on three things: attracting and maintaining as many people as possible on the labor market, improving the adaptability of workers and companies and increasing investment in human capital through better education and training systems.
In the spirit of this initiative, Simulated Enterprise for students is a project funded by the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development (SOP HRD) 2007-2013, Priority Axis 2 - "Correlation of lifelong learning with the labor market", in Major field of intervention 2.1 - "Transition from school to active life" which aims to attract young people to the labor market through their strategic training, oriented and controlled even by the technology companies that will hire them.
The general objective of the project is to increase the adaptability and employability of a number of 600 future graduates of undergraduate and master's studies on the labor market, in the context of the knowledge-based society, by using an innovative tool (the concept of "simulated enterprise"), adapted to realities. economic and labor market requirements in Romania.
The general objective of the project will be achieved through the following specific objectives:
Increasing access to information on innovative opportunities to facilitate the transition from student to employee status through "simulated enterprises";
Implementation and adaptation of this innovative instrument at the level of Romanian higher education, according to the specifics of the European / national / regional economic context;
Training human resources for training students in simulated enterprises that will be organized and will operate within the project;
Improving the insertion of students on the labor market through the implementation of interactive learning methods, simulated enterprise and practical internships
Evaluating the efficiency of the project approaches, in order to increase the competitiveness of future graduates on the labor market by learning at work with the help of developed tools.
The target audience of the project consists of:
Students from the 4 fields of study chosen for the development of the project (informatics, computers and information technology, electronic and telecommunications engineering and systems engineering);
Tutors from companies interested in selecting, recruiting and training students in the spirit of skills needed in the workplace.